Chapter 4

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4th Feb, 2022

Saim glanced at the girl who looked at him shocked. He studied her face and he was sure that she had been crying for the tear marks were clearly visible but what shocked him more was the redness on her right cheek. He did not want to believe that her mother could be so cruel to raise her hand on her and so to ignore the questions swirling in his mind he faked a cough, bringing her out of her trance.

"Uh- Your purse. I found it near the café." He said through the thick awkward air that had build up between the two.

Yusra took the purse, avoiding looking at him, all the while thinking if he had heard any yelling or seen something. She mumbled her thanks and waited for him to leave not wanting him to witness anything further which could only worsen things and just as he turned around walking away from her, she sighed in relief for being saved but it lasted not longer than a minute as she noticed him walk back again, making her posture to go stiff.

He stretched his hand, that held his jacket making her look at him with questionable gaze.

"It's cold out here, wear it." He said more likely ordered leaving no chance for Yusra to deny so she quietly took it from his hand before pulling it on, instantly warming her up. She pulled the jacket closer to her, his perfume lingering on the jacket, making her realise that it was unwashed.

She didn't knew how long but the two stood still, none of them speaking. She waited for him to leave without any queries but when he didn't she looked at him through her eyelashes to only see his calculative gaze on her making her tinge in embarrassment.

"Was that your mother?" He questioned and she sucked it in a deep breath already fearing the further questions that he would ask which she herself wouldn't be able to answer.

She shook her head before whispering, "My aunt."

Saim looked at her waiting for her to continue further, her eyes moving to the front door frequently, but when he found out she wouldn't continue, he realised that he had to question her to get answers.

He was sure that she was hit by the lady the one she called her aunt and it did string him knowing that there were still double faced relatives in this generation.

He had been born and brought up in such a family where they considered their cousins, like siblings and their uncle and aunt were nothing less than their own parents.

He had heard alot of his friends whine about their relatives poking their nose in their affairs but this was something he couldn't just believe.

"Your parents?" He questioned already knowing that it wasn't his problem but he couldn't stop himself. She shook her head, unable to voice out due to the lump in her throat. She didn't want to glance his way, knowing that his eyes would reflect what every other eyes had. Pity.

"But that doesn't give her the right to hit you." He said knowing that he had already crossed a certain boundary. She almost stumbled back looking at him in fear. She looked at the door and back at him not knowing what she was suppose to say.

"I d-don't understand wh-what you ar-are talking about." She stammered out crossing her fingers tightly at her back already hyperventilating but what he said next loosened it.

"You have a mark on your cheek." Instinctively her hand automatically held her right cheek while he raised his brow at her, "I never said which cheek." He spoke his posture calm and composed making Yusra to flush in embarrassment.

"Uh- I- She, It was by mistake." She stuttered trying to cover it up by an anonymous lie to only hear him scoff loudly.

There was a certain limit he could be patient for he definitely wasn't a patient man but he had been trying his best to not loose it but she was now drifting him to the edge.

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