Chapter 2

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Countless bad thoughts... worst thoughts had crossed my mind with every minute that passed.  After what felt like a decade, the flight finally landed in Moscow. I constantly tapped my feet in anxiousness. What if I made a mistake... No, no, I shook my head, the overthinking would have surely killed me there! 

I dialed his number again, and this time he picked up the phone. "Chris? Oh, thank goodness!" My feet lost their strength, and I fell to the ground. "Where were you this entire time? Where..." I wiped my tears, "where are you now? I'm coming right now." 

"Where are you?" A stern voice asked.

"You're not Chris..." I muttered. Before the voice could answer, my battery died. 

That wasn't Chris... A chill ran down my spine. I could feel something was wrong. I looked around, but everything seemed normal.

"Let's just get to him," I heaved a sigh as I picked myself up and boarded the cab outside the airport.  

The cab stopped in front of a huge building. I stepped down and stared, hmm finally! All I had to do was just come here. I nodded. Now I'll get all the answers from you and this time I'm taking you back with me, and I'm not taking no for an answer. I looked on determinedly as I rang the bell of the apartment that belonged to my brother. 

A few minutes passed but there was no answer, "Chris?" I banged the door, "Chris?" 

But still, there was no answer, I looked at the keypad on the door, "Okay, here goes nothing," I took a deep breath and entered the passcode, it made a weird sound, "Let's try again," I entered another combination but it was wrong again. I swore. "okay, one last time," I prayed for my luck, and at last the door opened. "Finally!" I cheered as I entered his apartment. 

I ran my eyes around the apartment there was nothing but dust all around with everything covered by a white material. It was as if the apt was abandoned for months. My stomach churned, and a nasty feeling grew up in my chest. "Calm down Am, hold yourself together, no news is still good news right?" I patted my chest as I tried to calm my nerves. 

"Where should I go now? Where next?" I began to think about the possibility of where could I find him, "yes, the hospital, of course!" 

I immediately ran outside, leaving my belongings behind, hoping that this time I'd find him. As I ran to the elevator, I prayed. I tapped my feet impatiently as I waited for the elevator but then I realized it wasn't working. It worked just fine before, I shrugged. 

Deciding to use the stairs, I moved away. "Oh damn this building is huge," I clicked my tongue in frustration as I descended the floors. Around three floors down I could hear numerous footsteps, few men in black were dragging some poor guy upstairs, literally dragging him through the stairs!

I stopped, I surely didn't want any trouble here, I ran my eyes around and used the emergency exit to sneak away. 


"Yes, How can I help you, ma'am?" The receptionist asked me in Russian. 

"I want Dr. Jones," I replied in my broken Russian, "Dr. Christopher Jones?" 

 She gave me an apologetic smile, and she went through her computer, after a few minutes she looked up and this time replied in English, "I'm sorry Ma'am we don't have any doctor named Christopher Jones." 

"Are you sure? Could you please check again?" I asked her.

"I'm sure, ma'am, if you could tell me your problem, maybe I can help you get an appointment with another doctor?" She asked me politely.

"Hmm no... I'm not here for an appointment, could you please confirm it again? He's my brother, he's a cardiothoracic surgeon, he worked here, please, I really need to know." I pleaded.

"I'm sorry, ma'am but there's no doctor of that name here." She replied.

After another disappointment, I walked mindlessly on the road, I realized all this while, he had been lying to me, his apartment, his workplace, everything! What got into you, Christoph? Just what the hell happened with you?

Just as I took another step, something went off... a huge blast! My eyes went wide as the scene unfolded before my eyes. Fire... blood... a war?

I immediately ran to the nearby shop and took shelter, everyone was running around, and screams and smoke filled the air.

"What is going on here?" I asked the one who was hiding along with me. 

"As usual, a mafia war!" The guy screamed through the noise and seeing his chance he ran off.

I tried to step out but was startled by a gunshot, I clenched my fist, "Oh God!" My head was starting to spin. 

 Before I realized someone caught my wrist and started to drag me out, "Wait! What the hell?!" I screamed as I tried to shake my hand off his grip but his grip tightened as he glared at me. 

My head was pounding and I was feeling nauseous, I didn't even have the strength to struggle anymore. 

But before he could take another step, he stopped, I tried to open my eyes, but my vision was blurry, the guy's grip was gone and I could feel myself being pulled down by gravity, but my head landed on something firm, and it didn't hurt. 

"Scram!"  I heard a voice. 

Looking up, I found a pair of icy blue eyes staring at me, without a word he picked me in his arms, "Who... are you? I tried to ask but my words just disappeared into my hazy mind. 

"Did you eat anything?" He asked. 

I then realized I had barely eaten since Marisa's funeral, even the food they gave me on the flight I barely touched them.

After a moment, I let something sweet in my mouth, he was holding a juice with the straw poking into my mouth, "Drink it up." He ordered, which irked me but I didn't have the strength to retort so I just grabbed the juice bottle. "All." The stern voice commanded. 

"Sure," I responded, I didn't like his tone a bit but well beggars don't get to choose and I didn't even have the strength to speak, but then also he somewhat reminded me of Chris. He used to scold me like this too, he'll definitely be mad to know that I'm here. "Chis..." I muttered as the glucose reached my brain, my mind started racing again, "yes, Chris, I'm here to find Chris," I jolted up. Still a bit dizzy I fell back, I then realized, we were inside a jeep and there was still this mafia war going on outside. 

I looked at my side, there sat my savior, my eyes not so blurry anymore, could have a proper view of this stranger. He had a rugged look, his long silver hair tied in a half bun, half of his hair fell perfectly on his tight black leather jacket, with a short full beard on his handsome face. "Hang on tight" He muttered before the engine roared, he pushed the gear with his tattooed left hand, reversing the jeep, it crashed right into the car behind. 

I grabbed my seatbelt tightly, my nausea surged up again.

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