Chapter 3

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"We're safe now," the stranger's voice brought me back from my thoughts. 

I released my breath. I didn't even realize I was holding it. Slowly I opened my eyes, we were far from the chaos. "Thank you," I thanked him for saving my life. "May I get your name?" I asked.

"I'm just a passer-by who just happened to be there to help you. You don't need to know more than that." He cut me off bluntly. 

"Hmm," I nodded as looked outside the window. Closing my eyes, I leaned against it, and a drop of tear traced down my cheek. Such a great day! I couldn't get a clue about Chris, stuck in the middle of some gang fight, rescued by a stranger who is very rude, and now I don't even know where to go next, great isn't it? I heaved a deep sigh as I wiped my tears away. 

The jeep came to a halt. I raised my head to look outside, he had stopped right in front of the apartment building. "Thank you," I told him before getting off. 

Mindlessly walking into the elevator, my mind buzzed again with countless thoughts. Walking inside the apartment, I lay down on the bed without even bothering to remove the dirty cloth covering the bed. 

The sick feeling I had in my stomach was still there. In fact, it just got worse. I felt numb, my lid getting heavier, and they shut themselves. 


The loud throbbing inside my head woke me up early morning. My eyes fluttered open to bright sunlight that had made its way inside the room through the open window. Sluggishly I get off the bed and made my way to the bathroom, as soon as I got in, my gut twisted in pain and I had to rush to the toilet seat to vomit. I could taste the bitter acid in my mouth, my stomach ached to the gas as I had eaten nothing for days. 

No, I can't stay like this! I can't afford to get sick when I've got so much more to do. I need to go and search for Chris, I need to find him and get back home!

I made my way to the kitchen and went through all the drawers and the wardrobes but there was no trace of anything edible. I freshened up and decided to eat out, the first restaurant/shop anything I saw as soon as I get out of here, but first I need to search this place thoroughly, there must be some clue. 

Was he even living here? I wondered as I went through his things. Oh God! Please! Just give me something! Any lead, any clue, anything! I prayed desperately as I searched the whole apartment down to a speck of dust. As I was reaching for the bags inside his closet a paper fluttered down to the ground. What's this? I picked up the paper and turned it back, it was a picture of Chris and an old man, they were smiling at the camera, hugging each other shoulder to shoulder. 

I found a few more papers, a piece of paper with an address, and a handwritten letter from Chris. 

Dear Am, 

Today I met our Dad! Yes Am, our Dad! 

I paused. What? I blinked in confusion. 

He's alive, Am! He's alive! We're not orphans. To tell you the truth, I moved to Russia to find our mother. I heard from Marisa that our mother wasn't dead instead she had asked her for a favor to raise us, even Marisa didn't have any idea so I came here in search of her. But look, whom did I find, our father is alive, sis. Just like how I met him, hopefully, I'd find our mom too.  I'm sorry I didn't tell you anything and I can't tell you anything yet but once I get all of my answers, I'll answer yours too. 



My head spun around, what the hell? What the hell is he talking about? Our parents... they're alive? The pounding in my head increased. I tried to look for the date in the letter but there was nothing. When was this? This letter confused me even more, instead of giving answers, it led to thousands of more questions. But I got one thing from this, a possible clue to find him, I grabbed the papers and rushed out. Grabbing a taxi, I reached the place, it was an old house, few pictures flashed through my mind. What was that? I shook my head as I entered through the door. It was almost a ruin, the house was barely holding itself. Something flashed through my mind again. I followed my instinct that led me to the backyard and at the end of it there was a tree house, I dusted the bark and my name came into the view. Wow! it really is here, huh? I scoffed, so this was our house? I tilted my head in confusion. I almost fell as my vision got blurry, Ah missed my breakfast again!

Since there was no one around to give me my answers, I left the place in order to search for something to fill my stomach.

I found a restaurant nearby and ordered my food,  even though I had no appetite I stuffed the food inside, I needed the energy to search for my brother, and for that, it was necessary for me to stay alive. As I was eating, I went through those papers again, there was no one in that house, I'll have to go around asking the neighbors now. Just then my eyes stopped on the numbers written on the paper.

I hurriedly took my phone and dialed it, the ring went on, I prayed silently for someone to pick up but no one did, I dialed the number again but in vain, disappointed I bit my sandwich. 

Just then, the waiter placed a coffee on my table, "I didn't order this." I told him. "that person over there did," the waiter pointed at a guy in a white suit seated a few feet away from my seat. I looked at that guy, he waved at me. You know what this is the worst timing to hit on someone, I rolled my eyes. "Regardless thank you, I needed this," I mouthed. 

Or maybe not, because as soon as the smell hit my nose, nausea hit me back again, now with full force that I had to run to the washroom to vomit out. As I came out of the restroom, the whole world began to spin and I dropped unconscious on the ground.

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