Chapter 25

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Amethyst heaved a sigh as she stood outside his door. This was the time, the right time, Mikhail was out of the mansion and she had told the gate guards to inform her as soon as his car entered the door so that she could have enough time to get back to her own room and as for others no one would dare to come to his room, especially in his absence. She could invade his room and get the information she needed. "Whatever happens from now, it's on you." She muttered as she turned the doorknob and made her way inside the room.

She gasped at the sight of the distorted room. The mess she created was as it was. "It's all your fault, always evading, always running away," she whispered to the empty room. She looked around the room, and her eyes landed on the bedside table. She began her search from there. 

Nearly half an hour after her search, she still couldn't find anything. She sat on the floor with her fingers rubbing her temples. "Come on, there has to be something here," she began to think of every other probable place where she could get anything against him. She fidgeted her hands, Think, Am. Think! She was sure that if there was any important thing he needed to hide, it would definitely be this room, as no one was allowed to enter the room except for him. It had to be somewhere in this room itself.

She went through everything one by one, not missing a single spot, the fear of disturbance from others had already been taken care of and as for the mess, she had already messed up the room before so she was sure the new mess she created wouldn't really matter; she was glad she didn't have to worry about the cleanup. Amethyst checked every file, every document, and took the picture of everything she could get, but nothing seemed to be the thing she was searching for. Actually, she was hoping to find something about her brother, but in vain.  

She looked through the room for any secret door or hidden drawers but she could find none. Her eyes then landed on the empty bed, and the mattress that she threw on the floor right beside it. "What if..." She trailed off and searched the bed for any secret drawers but had no luck when she was about to give up, her dress got stuck in the deep corner, pulling it she discovered a drawer, a secret drawer indeed, her eyes twinkled in anticipation.

She opened up the drawer and found a mini laptop inside, she smiled as she took the laptop out, it also had a pen drive connected to it. Great! She whispered. Turning it on, her face fell in disappointment, the thing required the password of course. The 4 numbered pin. All her hopes died down as she was sure she wouldn't be able to crack it at all. Her brain worked on multiple possibilities, but the man who barely lets any expression on his face, even his closest people can't read his moves, how could she ever guess his password?   

She paused for a moment and remembered the dark night, the night he took off and didn't return home until the next day, the death anniversary of his parents, she looked up on the calendar and tried the date as her heart hammered anxiously in her chest. She was hopeful for a moment until the computer showed the error sign. Damn! She cursed. 

She tried Chris's birthday, just in case but no luck, of course, after trying every possibility by the time she realized it, it was already midnight. He sure is late, she narrowed her eyes looking at the clock but shook her head, no I'm glad he's late, I hope he doesn't return at all, she scoffed as she tried again, but then the computer blanked out, huh what? What's wrong with you now?

The computer flashed the warning only 2 more attempts left. 

"Fuck!" She cursed. 

She knew she was doomed. She heaved a defeated sigh as she left the computer on the floor. Her eyes then landed on the bracelet, and she slowly extended her hand to reach it, she couldn't believe it, Chris and Mikhail were this close and it took her forever to realize it. She still remembered the day she got a call from Chris sulking and complaining about how his friend stole his bracelet, she then promised to make his friend a new one so that he could get his back from him. She put a lot of thought into making this one for him, as she had to please him with the new bracelet so that he'd return Chris's bracelet to him, she made it based on his personality, according to Chris's description of him. 

"And yet you couldn't figure out it was him," Amethyst hit her head as she held onto it. 

She then glanced at the thing in her hands again, her eyes widened in realization, but she shook off the thought, "no freaking way," She shook her head. "I'm crazy, yes," She nodded as she traced the 4-digit number graved on the bracelet, the date she created this thing, "well it does have 4 numbers on it, since I'm already half crazy why not try the number and prove that my brain's rotten already?" She thought and decided to give it a go. She didn't have a choice, she was ready to grab anything she got. 

"You must be kidding me!" Her eyes widened in surprise. 

She never knew the numbers she randomly carved on the bracelet, well, it wasn't random, but yeah, kinda random, would save her in the nick of time. 


Her eyes snapped open, and looking at the different ceiling above her, she blinked. "Ah crap! I fell asleep here?" She hurriedly got up from the floor and looked around for any signs of the devil. "Man! He literally didn't come home last night?" She glared at the clock on the wall. 

"Sure, if you think you can always run away from me." She rolled her eyes. Her eyes then fell on the computer, "Ah!" She exclaimed, she immediately kept the computer back in its place but took the pen drive with her, "It's all on you, Mr., it's all on you." She clicked her tongue as she made her way out. 

Peeking her head out of the door, she made sure her way was clear. Seeing no one around, she made a dash to her room. 

Making it inside her room safely, she heaved a sigh of relief. "Phew! That was a close call." 

Just then the ringtone of her phone startled her. 

"What the?" She yelped. 

Looking at the screen, she shook her head, "it's just you, huh," She answered the call. 

"What does that mean?" Her best friend asked with a puzzled tone. 

"Oh wait, where are you?" She realized she hadn't seen her best friend since the day they were off to the airport. 

"Me?" Natalie hesitated. 

"Ah-huh." Amethyst narrowed her eyes, as she caught a hint in her voice. 

"I"m where I want to be," Natalie spoke, the hesitation was now replaced by confidence. 

"And?" Amethyst urged. 

"And that's it." Natalie refused to fill in. 

"Nat!" Amethyst scolded her. 

"Dear bestie, there are still things I'm trying to figure out," Natalie told her, "But I do know he has the key to my memories, or he might actually be the key." 

"You sure about this?" Amethyst asked as she got flashes of Nat in the hospital and Chris hurriedly leaving them behind.

"Even if I don't get my memories back, I do want to know what happened." She told her.

"Fine," Amethyst heaved a defeated sigh, "Oh Nat, can I ask you for a favor, can I visit you at Nikolai's place?" She asked.

"You little vixen," Natalie chuckled. 

"Of course I know that's where you are, bestie, but for real, can I?" Amethyst asked again, "I won't visit for real though, don't worry, I just need a pass to go out." 

"And what are you planning?" Natalie asked.

After Amethyst told her everything, her best friend gasped in response, "That's crazy!" Natalie yelled at her.

"I know, I'm signing my death warrant." Amethyst shrugged. 

"I can't let you!" 

"I'm not interfering in your life, darling." Amethyst reminded her. 

"Yeah, I'm not trying to kill myself, but you're literally knocking at the death's door, there's a difference, you know!" 

"It won't kill me but fine, I'll let you help me," Amethyst told her, "Hide me in your place if the devil comes to hunt me," Amethyst said nonchalantly.

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