Chapter 31

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Amethyst wasn't sure what she was going to do, but she wanted to prove that she wasn't just nothing to him. There was an undeniable connection between them, yet she felt powerless when he outright rejected to even acknowledge the possibility. She let out a deep sigh.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. A glimmer of hope rose within her, only to fade when the person she expected didn't appear. Of course, he had run away somewhere alone again.

"Need help packing your bags?" Yulia asked, closing the door behind her.

Amethyst didn't respond, her gaze fixated on the window.

Yulia surveyed the disheveled room. Although Amethyst's backpack lay open, her clothes lay scattered on the floor. Yulia sighed in defeat. 

"He didn't mean what he said," Yulia began, gathering items from the floor. 

Amethyst looked at her, intrigued. 

"I'm sorry, but I overheard your conversation in the study," Yulia admitted with a shrug.

 Amethyst averted her gaze again.

"He's liked you long before he met you," Yulia smiled. "Everyone here knows how much Chris adores his sister. He spoke of nothing else but you. You were practically the angel from the stories."

"Idiot, he called me a devil when we were together, didn't know he went around portraying me as an angel." Amethyst scoffed. 

"Mikhail did care for you as Chris's sister, but he wouldn't go easy on you just for that. You caused quite a stir. Mikhail has boundaries, Am, and even Chris wouldn't cross them easily. You're the only one who's entered the lion's den and survived, not just once, but multiple times. He lets you boss him around too, more than a friend's sister should. He's just pushing you away, so, don't let it affect you." 

Amethyst pondered for a moment. "Thank you, Yulia, it means a lot."

"That's all I can do for you, unfortunately, I can't change his decision," Yulia admitted, beginning to fold clothes and pack them.

 "That's alright," Amethyst said. "I intend to stay a bit longer. Perhaps not here, but I do plan to stay," she added with a wink.

 "Am..." Yulia looked at her in suspicion. 

"Do you think you could assist me a bit?" Amethyst smiled mischievously.


"I don't think you should be doing this," Yulia hesitated as Amethyst settled into the driver's seat. "Are you sure Nikolai agreed to let you stay with him?" 

"Yes," Amethyst nodded, "Nat managed to convince him."

"Can't I at least drop you off?" Yulia asked, "Or have someone accompany you?" 

"I'm making a getaway, remember? Nobody can know," Amethyst asserted.

"I'm still not getting how you'll get past the gate without alerting anyone. It could turn chaotic, Am." 

"My middle name is Chaos," Amethyst grinned, then drove away.

"Hey!" Yulia's shout faded as she sped off, inadvertently drawing attention. 

Amethyst regretted deceiving Yulia and escaping. The word had reached the main gate and guards had closed the doors for her but she was determined as she pressed on the accelerator, either the doors would open or she might just crash it open. Gauzing the situation, the guards managed to open the gate just before she crashed into it. A triumphant smirk spread across her face as she drove off.


Mikhail had been drinking in private, struggling to restrain himself. He had been keeping a check on himself all this while but the sleeping pill had undone his efforts. He could vividly recall the taste of her lips and their passionate kiss, disrupted only by her surprised moan which brought him back to his senses.

"I want to stay with you," her words still haunted him. If only he listened to the devil inside him, he would never let her go.

Yet, he knew better. She wasn't meant for his world, he wasn't meant for her. She should be with someone who could keep her away from the bloodshed, someone who could genuinely keep her happy.

Nikolai joined him, annoying Mikhail, "How did you find me?" he glared, he wasn't interested in whatever had brought the devil there, he planned to drown himself in booze tonight and he didn't like the interruption.

Nikolai glared back. "Does your wife always have to ruin things?" 

"What are you talking about?" Mikhail narrowed his eyes.

"Oh right, you were so cut off from the rest of the world that I had to come personally." Nikolai rolled his eyes.

"If you're gonna talk gibberish, get the hell out of here." 

"Your lady pulled another stunt—she had an accident."

As soon as the words left Nkolai's mouth, Mikhail found himself racing to his jeep. 

Chaos reigned in the mansion. Mikhail stormed straight into her room, only relieved to find her sleeping peacefully. 

His anger melted as he approached her. She had a few cuts and a bandaged cut on her forehead. He touched her face, stirring her up from her sleep, slowly she opened her eyes.

 "Why?" He asked her.

"I survived without you," she mumbled. 

"With these?" He gestured at her injuries.

"Your men were chasing me. Not entirely my fault. It still counts," she answered, sitting up. 

"Do you find it funny? Risking your life like that," He held her hand kissing it, "What would I've done if something were to happen to you?"

Her heart raced at his words, the mask he wore for so long had slipped and for the first time she saw his raw emotions, but the mask was back on as he gently let go of her hand.

"Why do you care?" She asked, "I'm nothing to you."

"Why do you have to be so stubborn? Why stir me up like this?" His gaze pierced hers.

The tension in the air grew heavier as they slowly leaned toward each other, she closed her eyes in acceptance but he stopped, the alcohol couldn't cloud his judgment just yet.

"You should leave," He whispered to her as he backed away. Before I lose myself more than I already have, he thought.

"Why do you keep running away?" 

"You shouldn't be here... You're not supposed to be here..." He repeats it as a chant as if to remind himself.

"But I'm here aren't I?" She pleaded, holding him back.

"You don't belong here," he repeated, fighting his feelings.

 "But I am here." She insisted. 

Before he could lose his control, he swatted her hands away and turned to go, just as he placed his hand to turn the doorknob, she shouted, "Fine, send me back, I'll do the same when I'm there." 

Her words gripped his heart like a poisonous vine. 

"What does that mean?" He asked.

 "I'll just risk my life where I won't be your responsibility," She replied.

"Why would you do that?" He turned to her, his voice raised.

"Why are you concerned? After all, I'm just nothing, aren't I?" Her challenging gaze met his.

"I seriously don't know what to do with you," He scoffed as he leaned against the door.

"Just be honest." She approached him with small steps. 

"You're one hell of a woman," He clicked his tongue as she stood right in front of him, "there's no winning against you." 

"then stop fighting already," She whispered before claiming his lips.

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