Chapter 13

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"I'm so sorry, Am, I didn't know Mikhail would react like that." Yulia apologized to me, hanging her head low.

"That's fine. I expected nothing less from him, so don't be sorry. It's not your fault that he is a jerk." I told her.

"He's not-" She almost raised her voice at me but immediately lowered her voice and spoke, "usually," She shrugged. 

"It's fine, really," I assured her. "But I really need my phone. If not anything else, just the phone. I really need to contact my friend." I told her. I was really worried about what and where she was, just hope she won't be coming here... I'd really do anything to avoid that.

"Don't worry, I'll talk to Mikhail again when he's back... he might do something about it... even without your phone we can find ways to contact her," She held my hand and rubbed the back of it as she tried to assure me.

"thank you," I nodded. 

Giving me her words of reassurance, she left me alone in my room. 

I did smile in front of her, but as soon as she left, my anxiety began to eat me up. I paced back and forth across the room as the clock ticked by. When is he going to come back, when are they going to find her number, and when will I be talking to her? 

After waiting for almost a whole day, my patience began to run out. Just calm down, Am, just calm down. I chanted in my mind but I knew Nat was reckless, way worse than me. But she won't possibly come here, right? What do you think? My subconscious self asked me back.

Okay, I'm done here, I better go there and fetch my phone, even if the consequence is to not see the daylight again, even if the demon swears to lock me here forever after this incident.

I quickly changed into my tracksuit and sneaked out of the room. I quickly made my way down the stairs and reached the door, just then I was stopped by one guard, "May I ask where are you going, Madam?"

I stopped in my tracks and turned around, there were two of them approaching me. They raised their brows at me in question. I faked a wide smile, "Ah, just going out for a jog," I told them. Their eyes searched for someone, "I didn't know I was to be stalked by someone everywhere, didn't hear from anyone I couldn't go anywhere alone in this mansion." I shrugged.

"We didn't mean to offend you," One of the guards apologized. 

"Well, you could join me if you want," I threw a gamble.

They both looked at each other and nodded, you can't be serious!

"I guess I can't even take a breath of fresh air without anyone breathing over my neck," I heaved a disappointed sigh. "Mikhail told me I could roam in this mansion at least here freely." 

I tried to read their faces, they were looking at each other as if in a predicament. 

Please Please believe my lies! I prayed desperately. I mean technically, I wasn't lying, he did say I could do whatever I want inside this golden cage. 

"we're sorry to have you bothered," they bowed to me and then went their own ways.

"That was so tough! Argh!" I scratched my head. Okay, now before anyone expresses their thought to join me, I'd better get out of here! I turned around and then sneaked outside, hiding, avoiding the CCTV (thanks to Yulia bringing me out every day, I have them by heart) I reached the parking lot, now I just need to find a car, I ran my eyes around and saw the red light blinking, the car was about to leave, great, I tiptoed my way to the car and ducked down, I sneaked in the back seat and crouched down behind the seat. I don't even know what I'm doing, I shook my head, should I just return? I thought. The engine roared as the guy pressed on the accelerator and soon we were out of the mansion. I don't even know where this car is going, I rolled my eyes. Oh, Nat! What are you making me do?

After about half an hour, the car stopped somewhere and the guy moved out, I slowly raised my head and peeked out, it was a gas station, I looked to the other side and the guy was moving to fuel the car, taking my chance, I got out of the car slowly and very slowly just tapped the door close. Squatting my way, after reaching a distance I got up and dashed to the store. I hid inside the washroom until that guy was gone. 

As soon as he went away, I hauled a taxi and gave the driver the address. 

Standing in front of the apartment, I heaved a sigh of relief, see not bad, isn't it?

But reminded of his words, I was cautious, I looked around for any suspicious person when I didn't find anyone I made my way to the elevator, and getting off on my floor I looked around again, not having seen anyone I made my way inside our apartment. 

I searched for my phone, when I found it, it barely had any charge left. I quickly grabbed my bag and tossed it inside along with my laptop, and my design notebook. I wanted to pack anything here but I needed to get out of here asap, even if there was no one here, can't ignore the fact that it's still dangerous for me to be out for so long. Just as I turned the lights off in my room I heard someone on the door, "Ah damn!" I quickly ran out to the small balcony connected to my room and hid in a corner. 

I heard some rustling sound from inside, then I heard a few male voices, "seems like we'll be able to catch him off-guard, finally!" 

"It's not as easy as it sounds, he's Mikhail Fedorov, don't let your guards down around him," One of the guys instructed others, I then heard numerous footsteps making their way inside the room, and I gulped. 

It's not me they're after? Phew! But wait, they said Mikhail, what is he coming here for? Didn't he bluntly reject me this morning? I frowned. Or is it me he's coming for? Did he find out already? The sound of the ringtone startled me, holding my breath, I grabbed my bag tightly. 

"Yes?" One of the men answered.

I released my breath in relief, thank god, I thought I was dead today, not my phone, it's probably dead by now, actually. 

"Mikhail's on his way but Nikolai is with him too," I heard him click his tongue in frustration. "But we can't let this chance go, no one can save him, not Nikolai, not even the god himself." 

Who're they getting this info from? Did he share this news with his staff? Do you even call them staff? What's the word, anyway? Leave it, I shook my head, even after knowing there was a traitor, how can he? I shook my head in disappointment. I can't even warn him about this, I don't know his damn number... What's going to happen to him?

Why not worry about yourself? My subconscious threw a taunt at me. Worried? About him? Nu-uh! I'm definitely worried about myself, how the hell am I going to get out of here? Because things are definitely getting ugly!

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