Chapter 30

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She hadn't planned for this. All she wanted was to apologize for her past tantrums and misbehavior, but here she was, passionately kissing him back. She had come to sort out her misunderstandings about him, but as soon as their lips met, all reasons vanished. 

 A soft moan escaped her lips as his tongue slipped into her mouth. Suddenly, he froze, his eyes wide open and narrowed in surprise. Confused, she stared back at him, but he immediately let her go and got off the bed. 

Before either of them could speak, his phone rang. He answered hastily, "I'm coming."

"I need to go," he said as he turned his head halfway towards her.

"I need to go as well," she replied, feeling flustered and then she bolted out of the room. 


 "You guys kissed?" Natalie inquired over the phone. "Tell me all the juicy details!"

 "Nat!" Amethyst scolded her playfully. 

 "Okay, at least answer this: did you enjoy it?" Natalie asked with a mischievous grin.

 Amethyst blushed at her question. "Well, maybe a little..." 

 "Oh, Amy, congratulations on finally discovering your feelings," Natalie cheered, "I told you, didn't I?" 

 "I don't know," Amethyst answered shyly.

 "Come on, the last time you kissed someone was back in college, and you didn't even let that ex-fiance of yours kiss you, so isn't it obvious?" Natalie pointed out, trying to tease her friend. 

"At least your man kissed you first. My man doesn't even bother with my advances. At this rate, you're going to surpass me. But well, I guess that's a given since you're already married," Nat sighed, expressing her frustration. "Anyway, congratulations, Amy. I'm genuinely happy for you."

Natalie strolled across the hall, but her feet stopped at the sight of her friend's husband. "Oh wait, Amy, looks like your husband is here," She whispered.

She discreetly stopped by the window and overheard a conversation between Mikhail, and Nikolai. 

"Can you keep her here for a while?" Mikhail asked Nikolai.

 "Are you kidding me? I'm trying to send Nate away, and now you want me to take care of your woman? Sorry, can't do it. I'm already swamped," replied Nikolai but he gave it a thought. "Why don't you just send her back? I'll cooperate. Let's arrange for Nate and her best friend to return tomorrow, as planned," He suggested, "The plan was postponed by your wife's stunt but not canceled." 

 "That sounds good," agreed Mikhail.

Natalie narrowed her eyes at their conversation and then returned to her room. 

 "Nat? Hello? You there?"

"What the hell Amy?" 

 "What's going on, Nat?" Amethyst was confused by her sudden outburst. 

 "Didn't you mention your husband was making progress? Why is he planning to send you away?"

"Huh? I didn't know about this," She replied, surprised. 

"Duh, I just overheard their conversation. He's ruining my plans too. You better talk to him about this," Natalie urged.

Amethyst's concern grew, and she nodded, "Sure, I'll figure out what's happening, thanks for letting me know about it, I'll call you later." 

Hanging up the call, she frowned deeply. 

Later in the afternoon,

 "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Amethyst stormed into his study, her voice sharp with anger.

 "Now what?" Mikhail raised a brow in confusion

"You're planning to take me to the airport again. Were you ever going to tell me or just come up with another excuse?" Her frustration was evident. 

"Who told you?"  He inquired getting up from his chair, advancing around the table he leaned back with his arms crossed. 

"Nat heard you and Nikolai talking, so don't try to deceive me!" 

"Nicolai's little witch," He muttered a curse under his breath. "I planned to tell you at dinner. It's true, you and your best friend are leaving for your country tomorrow," he admitted.

"How could you?!" She looked at him feeling betrayed, hurt evident in her eyes. 

"Don't act surprised; this was bound to happen sooner or later, how does that matter," he retorted coldly. 

"I'm not going anywhere!" She shouted defiantly. 

"Listen, I've been very patient, but I've had enough of your bullshit!" Mikhail advanced toward her, his anger evident, Amethyst found herself backing away until she found herself trapped against the wall.

"But I want to stay," she pleaded, her voice trembling.

"Why? You've already seen your brother, and your work is done here. I can't allow you to stay," he stated firmly. 

"What if I want to stay with you?" Amethyst challenged.

"Don't get ahead of yourself just because I was nice to you. You're only here because of your brother, or else I'd have thrown you out long ago," he snapped, punching the wall behind her, making her flinch.

She managed to raise her head and looked him in the eyes, "After what happened in the morning? Are you just playing with me?" she asked, hurt evident in her eyes.

"Whatever happened in the morning was a mistake. I wasn't in my senses; the pills messed up my head, are you satisfied now?" His words cut her heart.

"I clearly heard you mention my name," she said, trying to make sense of it all.

"Please don't make things worse than they already are." He sighed, there was a hint of vulnerability in his eyes before he blinked it away, "You need to go back to where you belong. I'm done babysitting, I've got more important things to do." 

Amethyst was determined, "Fine, you can be free of your babysitting. I won't be a burden. I'll move out of your mansion."

"Use that little brain of yours." He grabbed her arms, "Staying outside the mansion is dangerous; they've been hounding the door. One step out and you're in danger," he warned, pushing her back. "Why do you want to stay? Didn't I make it clear that I don't want you? You're just Chris's baby sister who I took responsibility for, sending you off will relieve that burden." 

 "I'm just your friend's little sister? A burden?  I really nothing more to you?" she asked, her voice quivering. 

"Nothing," he replied coldly as he left the room.

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