Chapter 18

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Nikolai stood at the entrance, looking at the tall building in front of him. "Now, let's get this friend of hers."

Before Nikolai could enter the apartment, he heard a few women gossiping,

"There's a mad woman inside the convenience store," He heard one of them talk. 

"Yeah, she was swinging a knife at them, wasn't she?"

"No, it wasn't a knife... it was more like the instrument my husband carries... what was that called again... you know, the knife that surgeons use?"

Nikolai felt a chill down his bones. 

She couldn't... no, that wasn't possible. Nikolai shook his head, trying to block his thoughts.

"But I saw her being chased by the goons, so I don't think she was just swinging the knife at some random people." Another woman spoke in her defense.

 The ugly feeling in his heart grew and as they were speaking, Nikolai approached them, "Which store were you talking about?" He asked.

There was a large crowd surrounding the store, and he stood in front of the crowd as he tried to get a glimpse of the things inside through the glass door. He kept denying the thoughts that crept up into his mind, but his anxiousness only grew with every passing second and there was only one way to check if what he was thinking was right or not. With that thought, he entered the store. 

The noise was coming from the counter, he slowly made his way to the direction of the sound. 

"I don't even know why are you after me." He heard a high-pitched voice, his heart began to speed up. 

"I seriously told you not to step forward." The girl warned someone. 

When he reached the spot, the girl caught the man's hand, and with a quick move, she thrashed him onto the floor.

She was indeed holding a scalpel in her hand, Nikolai was very familiar with the object as his skin was cut by one before. He moved closer to get a view of her face.

"Too bad, your friends ran away without you," She clicked her tongue as she held the man in place, bringing the scalpel closer to his neck vein she threatened him, "Do you know if I cut you here, your blood will spatter like a fountain?"

Just as Nikolai stepped forward, she raised her head in alertness and pointed her weapon at him, and then finally she snapped her head in his direction. He finally saw her face, the same face he longed to see and the same face that haunted him every night.

Her eyes quickly shifted from him to something behind him, he immediately caught hold of the hand that was about to hit him. Within a few minutes, all the men lay on the ground screaming in pain. 

"Thank you, handsome stranger." She smiled at him as she jumped through the bodies and stood in front of him.

"Nate..." He whispered.

"Oh, you know my name..." She blinked in confusion, but soon realization washed over her face and then she smiled, "ah, you must be Nikolai, am I right?"

He frowned. Why was she speaking to him like she didn't know him? 

"Amy... I mean Amethyst sent you didn't she?" She asked.

So she was Mikhail's wife's friend? He narrowed his eyes at her. 

"She did." He replied. 

"Oh okay, just give me five minutes, I'll go get my things real quick." She told him before running out of the store.

He then ran his eyes over the unconscious men, his eyes narrowed. He was right, these were Isakov's men. He took their pictures real quick and then waited for her in front of the apartment building. Thousands of questions swirled through his mind and he had answers to none. 

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