Chapter 5

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It's been two weeks since I've been living with my father. A lot happened in the past week. We moved out of Chris's apartment as someone broke into the flat and made a total mess out of it. Thankfully, we weren't at home that night as Viktor invited me out for dinner and dad had some business to attend to. When I returned home, I saw dad panicking seeing the house in mess. We still haven't found who or why or what were they searching for in an empty apartment, anyway.

After I moved in with dad, I met that stranger again, and this time, it wasn't a pleasant meeting at all cause unlike last time he didn't save my life instead he threatened me. A friendly warning, he said, with that palpable raging look, cold eyes, and fiery words, yeah sure was friendly, wasn't it? And the most ridiculous thing was that he threatened me to stay away from my own father or I'd have to face consequences! Seriously? Who was he, anyway?

When I asked dad about him, he didn't tell me much either, instead; he advised me to stay away from that man, duh, that I will. Except for the kind act that he did on the first day, everything about him speaks cold-arrogant-mysterious more like a suspicious guy, anyway.  

But the craziest thing that happened was my engagement with Viktor. Never in my wildest dreams had I ever thought of that. Apparently, my dad owes an enormous debt to them and when Viktor's dad, a renowned businessperson, and a great political leader, suggested the marriage, my dad couldn't say no. 

During these past two weeks, Viktor and I have come closer, sure, he even helped me get information on Chris, and that's how I got to know how he got suspended from the hospital he had been working at, even his license got canceled as he got into a controversial death of a political leader.

But I've only thought of Viktor as a good friend... okay maybe I like him more than a friend but this isn't right, I'm not here on a vacation, I'm not here to get married or even fall in love, I'm here to find Chris, and I still have no idea about him. And the whole issue of marrying to cancel the debts doesn't fit right with me. I like Viktor for being Viktor, and I'd love to know more about him but marriage is not on my page right now.

"hey, back to earth yet, Amy?" Viktor's voice pulled me back to reality, with whom I'd been here to have a dinner date.

"huh? Yes?" I blinked at him, "Sorry, can you repeat yourself?" 

He shook his head, clicking his tongue. 

"I'm so sorry," I gave him an apologetic look.

He then got up from his seat and bent down in front of me, "No, I should be sorry, even with me here if you're lost in someone else's thoughts, then it's definitely my fault. I'm boring you, aren't I?" 

"Oh no of course not," I shook my head in response. 

He took my hand in his and looked at me with concern, "So would you like to share with me what's bothering you?" 

"Er..." I didn't know how to say it. But I'd have to, I was here to tell him that. 

"Is it about our engagement?" He asked.

"Yes," I bit my lip, "Viktor, I know you're a nice guy and you've been really good to me, whether it was helping me with my brother or my father, I do like you, I do like meeting you, and I love our time together, really, but..." I hesitated. 

"But?" He urged me to continue.

 "But with everything going around me right now, I don't think I'm ready to think about marriage at all... I am really sorry, Viktor, I really am but-" I started to panic when I saw his eyes flicker. I didn't want to hurt him. 

But he took my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, "It's okay Amy, I understand," He looked into my eyes, "Actually I'm sorry, I know you've been going through a lot and I failed to realize, I was just so happy that I overlooked everything, so I am sorry." 


"let me finish please," he requested, "I understand, so you don't need to feel guilty about anything and I don't want to push you for the marriage just because of the debt, I like you Amy and I'll wait as long as you want, and I want you to choose me because you want to be with me, and not because you don't have a choice to but be with me." He smiled at me softly. "So, I don't want to see your face dim like this, Would you please smile for me?" 

"Aw, Thank you so much, Viktor," I hugged him as I sighed a huge sigh of relief, "thank you for everything." I drew back and smiled at him.

"We can slowly get to know each other more, can't we?" He asked.

"I'd love to," I smiled as I nodded.

"I'll talk to my dad, our marriage can wait," He gave me a sweet smile.


"Uh-huh... yes... I've bought them... yup... just returning home now, okay, see you." I put my phone in my bag and walked with the grocery bags. 

As I turned to a street, I felt someone behind me, I turned to look but there was no one. I frowned. I hurried my steps, then I heard the footsteps, I ran with all my might without turning back. But I was yanked back by the hair, they threw me against the wall, and the impact made me hit the back of my head.

"Didn't we warn you to leave?" I heard a male voice, opening my eyes, I saw a group of men, "We'll show you what happens when you don't heed our advice." The man slapped me hard on my face. 

Grabbing my hair, he made me meet his eyes, "Tell your father to pay our money back by tomorrow, or else," He paused, he ran his creepy eyes over my body, "or else his daughter might pay the price."

I was disgusted, I felt nauseous. My mind was hazy, the back of my head throbbed, and my body went numb.

The ringtone of my phone brought me back to reality, the people were gone and I was alone in the dark alley. I hurriedly picked up my phone, looking at the screen, I picked up the call, but my voice didn't come out, only the sound of sobs filled the cold air.

I don't even know how long I stayed there until Viktor came running to me, I cried in his arms as he consoled me.

"Who were they? Do you have any idea?" Viktor asked me offering the water. 

He had brought me home and wrapped me in a warm blanket but I still felt the chill, remembering their words. 

"I don't know, they just said, dad owed them some money and... they said I didn't listen to them the first time. I have no idea what were they talking about." I shook my head.

"The first time?" The anger reverberated in his voice, "They threatened you before?" 

"I don't think I've ever seen them before," I told him.

"Do you have any idea?" Viktor looked at my dad, his face went pale but he shook it off immediately, putting on a calm front he denied to have known anything. 

Viktor swore to find them but I wanted him to stay away because they were too dangerous, I didn't want him to get in trouble because of us. 

"Hey, I know that we decided to not get engaged but don't I have the right to worry about you at all?" He asked me, his eyes had pain. 

"I just don't want you to get hurt," I held his hand, "they were dangerous," I shuddered as I remembered them. 

"Even more the reason for me to get involved, they dared to touch you," his fingers traced the bruise on my cheek, "I have the power to protect you, let me, please." He cupped my face.

"Fine," I nodded.

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