Chapter 19

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"So, who was that guy?" Natalie asked her friend as soon as they entered her room. "I saw the way you were looking at each other. Are you cheating on your husband, bestie?" 

"Apparently he's my husband." Amethyst rolled her eyes at her. 

"He wasn't the guy you showed me." Natalie blinked in confusion.

"Cause he's not," Amethyst told her. 

"My my when did you become such a player? You were going to marry someone else and within a week's time, you're married to someone else?" Natalie nudged her teasingly.

"I didn't." She shrugged.

"What?" Natalie was now super confused. 

Amethyst then narrated everything that had happened to her, from her forced marriage to her adventurous trip to fetch her phone for Nat, which obviously went down the drain as she was now in front of her. 

"Wow! So you're telling me that hot guy down there is your husband, and he is a mob boss? That sounds so hot." Natalie was amused by the newly found information.

"Excuse me?" Amethyst was upset. Here she was telling her life's tragedy and her best friend was making fun of her instead.

"What about Nikolai?" Natalie asked.

"What about him?" Amethyst raised her brows questioningly.

"You know," She smiled meaningfully.

"Don't you dare 'you know' me!" She air quoted as she scolded her, "and you just met him." 

"That's why I'm asking you to know more about him," She smiled as she remembered his eyes, and with the way he looked at him she could tell he was interested in her too. "He didn't speak much but his eyes spoke volumes."

Amethyst was suddenly reminded of last night, a certain blue eyes made her heart skip a beat. She immediately brushed those thoughts away and she spoke.  

"Yeah, volumes of danger." She told her, "Don't get into eyes, Nat, they're just pure danger and you don't want to be anywhere near them, you get me?"

"Are you telling me or are you just trying to convince yourself?" 

Nat caught her off guard. 


"Don't you lie to me, you felt something from the day you first met him, I could already tell, but suddenly one day you told me you were marrying some weirdo whom you didn't even like." 

"I did like him." Amethyst retorted.

"Oh really? You just wanted to deny the fact that you were attracted to a bad guy and pretended that you liked the good guy V- what was his name? Whatever it was." 

"You're making stories." Amethyst rolled her eyes in strong denial.

"Fine, deny all you want but let me follow my heart 'kay? You know me, Amy, if I want something I get it, I don't have a moral compass like you, if I'm attracted to him, I am, period. And if I see a possibility of something, I'm gonna go for it, regardless of whatever anyone has to say."


Amethyst couldn't sleep the entire night as Natalie's words kept ringing in her ears, all the past events flashed through her mind. 

"Argh! Damn you, Nat!" She threw her feet in the air in frustration.

"Did you get possessed?" The voice of the young girl made her look up from her bed. 

"Yulia!" She called her name, "How long have you been there?" She asked as the girl walked towards the bed. 

"Since the time you were making faces at the ceiling," Yulia replied, "Did something happen?" 

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