֍CHAPTER 14: Relentless

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Kirill smiles widely, displaying the prominent dimples on both of his cheeks. There's no amusement shown in his eyes. Rather, his eyes glinted evil. "No thanks," he rejected and quickly turns to look towards the door, intending on leaving these four fucktards in a moment. "As I said, I'll handle this myself. If you guys can stay out of my business, that's even better," he added without looking at them. He sounded arrogant and rude. But that only made him appears to be more attractive to the others.

Andre responded first to the rejection. "Aww... why not? Isn't it a good proposal?" He asked. Kirill turns to look at them again and catches the sight of Stepan not looking frustrated at all. In fact, none of them look frustrated by the rejection. They are all smiling, appearing to be amused. Even the aloof Stanley is also smiling! It was as if they had already expected him to reject the offer. "My friend here is handsome and rich. There's a long list of people who wanted to be his boyfriend," Andre persuaded.

Of course, who would not have wanted to be with Stepan. Among the four, his family is the wealthiest. His family owns shipping business. Of course, it was only on the front. His PI had informed him that it was illegal under the guise of legal business. But despite everyone knowing this, no one dares to mess with the Chenkovs. The Chenkovs are one of the prominent mafia families in New Russia. Everybody knows that. And Stepan, is the heir to the throne. "Yeah, I'm sure there's a lot of people who would want to be his boyfriend. It's just that I'm not one of them," Kirill spoke monotonously. He is not interested in that kind of life. If possible, it's rather best to avoid it. "Besides, I don't do bottom," Kirill then added a statement which turns everyone else in the room dumbfounded as they did not expect him to be that straightforward.

Kirill had known it from the start. It's easy to read lust and desire in someone's eyes. And he can see the two in Stepan's eyes. He can also see how hypocritically well-behaved the other boys seem to portray themselves. He can tell that they have bad intentions and he had always been guarded around them. Andre laughs suddenly to break the silence. "I said pretend, not real boyfriend," he spoke. "Sex is for real boyfriends. Unless you guys want to do it for real, that's fine too. You-" Andre wanted to add more but he couldn't finish his words as he was stopped by Stepan who places one of his hands on Andre's shoulder to stop him from talking. Andre only turns to look at Stepan quizzically but he did not dare inquire.

Stepan moves forward from where he was standing and walks towards Kirill to ensure that they are face to face. "Oh? What makes you think I'm top?" He then asked, feigning innocence, batting his eyelashes at Kirill playfully with a sly smile on his face. That question alone makes everyone in the room turn to look at Stepan with a puzzled look. Only Kirill looks back at him in annoyance. It was like he had told the most absurd joke of the century.

Kirill slightly raises his eyebrows at Stepan questioningly, smiling as he thinks to himself that this guy is really unbelievably shameless. It's almost as if he's saying stop kidding with his expression alone. That look alone causes Stepan to burst out laughing loudly. "Come on you won't know unless you try," Stepan suddenly persuaded. In his mind, he is scheming; 'Yeah, the aim is to get you in my bed. After that, whether you're top or bottom, we'll see how I can manipulate you to surrender yourself to me'.

But Kirill knows better. 'You look like a fucking sly fox and you still dare to coax me into giving you the opportunity to mess with me?' "Who the hell are you trying to scam?" He asked straightforwardly. Stepan only smiles at him, not answering, amused as ever. He had never been this amused. He really likes it. This game, he is enjoying every moment of it. "Anyway, I don't need help. Thank you for your time," Kirill ended their conversation smoothly and quickly gets himself out of the room.

He almost felt like he was lacking air. Being in the room with only the four of them exhausts him so much despite them not doing anything physical. His mind is exhausted. He doesn't know how much longer he can handle them. They seem relentless. 'What a fucking stupid fucktard joke of them to propose me to be Stepan's boyfriend. It's fucking obvious they are having ulterior motives,' he complained silently to himself.

He can't help but also wonder if their ulterior motives had anything to do with Kliment's disappearance. It causes his heart to ache a little. He will never forgive them if they are involved. But deep down, he can't help but hope that they're not. He is confused by his own emotions. Things he knows he shouldn't feel, he feels them. Things he knows he shouldn't do, he almost does them. He almost had accepted the proposal. Almost.

However, in the empty classroom, the four boys are still scheming. "So, what should we do now?" Alberto asked. He knows for sure they can't let Kirill ran off and deal with the stalkers himself. Such priceless plaything for Stepan, he knows Stepan wouldn't let go of so easily.

Stepan smiles evilly to the question before it turns into a wide grin. He looks evil yet alluring and charming at the same time. "Well, he told us to stay out of his business. So, let's not do that," he spoke.


Next update: 2022/03/07

*Author's note: Maybe it's only me but I'm really damn excited when I write this story. I hope you guys are excited as well. I write this note to remind myself of what are the things Kirill need to confirm back; (1) if the four boys' DNA was really taken, (2) if there are more unrevealed letters from the stalkers, (3) why would Stanley had a specific folder 'Kliment' in his phone? You guys can try to guess. Hehe. -K

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