֍CHAPTER 45: Tag, You're It

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Kirill still couldn't stop crying as he was seated on the passenger seat next to Mr, Matvey Lebedev. And that caused the older man feeling a bit uncomfortable and clueless as to what to do or say. Mr. Lebedev just drove around until Kirill stopped crying on his own without saying a word. Once he saw him calming down, he began to ask; "Where do you want me to take you to, honey?"

"You can call me Kirill, sir," Kirill spoke, without answering the question first. He doesn't really like it when others are being affectionate towards him. Things like calling him 'honey' and such... It made him feel a tiny bit uncomfortable but with Mr. Lebedev, it's just a matter of personality. Mr. Lebedev is just a naturally caring and mother-like person. That is just his personality.

"Okay," Mr. Lebedev answered.

Kirill took a deep breath and exhaled loudly before he finally answered Mr. Lebedev's previous question; "Take me out of Krasniy, please. Just... out of here." He just wanted to be away from the town. Away from Stepanov Chenkov.

"Okay,"Mr. Lebedev agreed. "Hmm... are you okay, hon- I mean, Kirill?" He braved himself to ask another question.

Kirill looked ahead without focus. His eyes seemed empty and he could only be honest. "I'm not okay. And I don't know if I should tell you as well. I don't want to get you further involved in this. It might trouble you," he said. Yes. If Mr. Lebedev knew more, it could put him in danger so Kirill thought that he should just carry this burden alone for now.

Or maybe... Perhaps deep inside, he was still hoping that Stepan could give him some sort of explanation. Perhaps this could all be just a misunderstanding. Or... perhaps he didn't want to trouble Stepan instead. He didn't want him to be caught in that mess. His heart was conflicted but he knew that he had to do the right thing. He must not let his heart betray his principle.

"Hmm. I see," Mr. Lebedev said before hesitating to ask another question. But of course, he couldn't help himself. He's far too curious by this point. "Does this has anything to do with Mr. Chenkov?" He suddenly asked.

"What do you mean?" Kirill immediately got defensive. It was unconscious and that somehow also upset him. It was like he knew the guy could be involved in his brother's murder but he decided to defend that same guy instead. It's preposterous!

Mr. Lebedev appeared to be calm as he answered. "Well, for one thing... Everybody knows he's bad news. So if you cry like this, I assume it must be related to him," he said. Kirill couldn't say anything more to that assumption because it is true. But what Mr. Lebedev said next surprised him for a bit. "Hon, he's a player. You know what they say... player's gonna play so you don't have to feel bad about it. There are many brokenhearted boys and girls before you, hon."

To Mr. Lebedev's simple thoughts, Kirill couldn't help but to laugh out loud. It was a laughter filled with sarcasm because the truth is far more terrible than that. "What's the matter? Did I say something wrong?" Mr. Lebedev asked, understanding the mock behind the laughter. Kirill laughed a few times before he finally took a deep breath and answered; "Oh... I wished it was that simple, sir." Kirill then started to cry again. "I wished," he said.

Mr. Lebedev was lost for words. He could now predict that there could be something far more serious that had happened but he no longer wanted to ask questions. "Then,... I'll take you to my cabin then. It's where I normally go on weekends for hunting and fishing. You can stay there for a while. It's outside of Krasniy. When you're ready, you can think of what to do next," he said.

Kirill nodded his head in agreement. He was grateful to whatever help he had been given. "Okay. Thank you, Mr. Lebedev," he said. He thought silently to himself that one day, he would surely repay his kindness.

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