֍CHAPTER 46: Confession

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A loud sound can be heard coming from what Kirill assumed to be the front door and with that, came a voice screaming at the top of his lungs into the cabin. "Kirill!!!!" It was a familiar voice. Stepan's voice. Kirill was relieved as soon as he heard this voice but the feeling was also coupled with a little bit of anger and pain.

"Fuck!" Mr. Lebedev cursed and quickly bolted out of the door of the room without looking back or taking anything with him. Kirill could only scream a muffled scream from behind his sealed mouth and moved his body as much as he could to make a loud sound so that Stepan could detect his whereabouts in response.

As Mr. Lebedev ran off through the backdoor, Stepan's men started to run after him. "You better get him, you son of a bitch!" Stepan ordered Maxim. "You fucking let Kirill get away like that! If anything happens to him, I'll kill you! I'll kill you and I'll dismember you and I'll feed you to the fucking dogs!" He shouted angrily as he shoved Maxim towards the back door. Maxim quickly joined the chase.

Stepan hurried to check every room of the cabin until he found Kirill lying on the floor in one of the rooms. "Kirill!" he called and quickly came over to untie Kirill's hands and unseal his mouth. As he seated him, he looked at him worriedly. "Are you okay?" He asked.

Kirill only looked back at him with mixed emotions. This guy is his saviour but he had done something unforgivable as well. He didn't know if he should be thankful or spiteful towards this person. "Stepan, be frank with me," Kirill said, without answering Stepan's question. "What did you do? What did you do to my brother?!"

Stepan immediately avoided looking into Kirill's eyes the moment he heard the questions. He bit his lips slightly before answering in an unconvincing tone; "I didn't do anything to him."

"Tell me the truth!" Kirill shouted.

"That is the truth!" Stepan shouted back in return.

"Then how come all his stuffs are in that fucking room behind the bookcase? How did that get there? And my pictures on the wall. What about that? What about all those pictures?! You fucking tell me now!!"

Stepan closed his eyes and gritted his teeth in frustration. "Look, I can explain," he said through his gritted teeth.

"Tell me everything now!" Kirill insisted. He knew that if he waited, he wouldn't hear the truth from him. Stepan would avoid answering.

"Fuck!!" Stepan got up in anger and kicked a chair that was beside him, causing it to hit the wall and broke into pieces. "Fuck it, Kirill! I'm telling you the truth. I didn't do anything. That's what I did. I didn't do anything. Happy?!"

Kirill looked back at him in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Stepan combed through his own hair roughly with his fingers to sort out his chaotic head. He gritted his teeth in anger as he answered; "I didn't do anything. I saw Mr. Lebedev strangled him. But I didn't do anything. I just watched. From a distance where he couldn't see me, I just watched it all happen." Kirill couldn't believe what he was hearing and his tears streamed down without warning. "I saw him use a knife to take out his eyes. He stripped his body and dismembered him. Here, in this cabin. It happened here. He buried him behind this cabin. That's where your brother is," Stepan continued. There was no guilt written in his eyes. He was emotionless as he spilled the details.

That emotionless face caused Kirill to become furious. He also got up from where he was seated and immediately punched Stepan in the face. He staggered back to balance himself before falling back down on his knees. Tears are flowing non-stop from his eyes. "And you did nothing?! You just watched?! You did nothing?!" Kirill said angrily. Stepan only looked at Kirill from a side angle and wiped blood from his lips. He still looked remorseless and uncaring. "You're a fucking monster!!!" Kirill shouted.

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