֍CHAPTER 18: True Identities

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Anxiety was the least suitable word to describe William's emotion at the moment. Apparently, another body was also found in the lobby of his apartment. This time, it was accompanied by his first fictional autobiography novel. When they identified the bodies, William was certain that someone crazy must have done this to scare him since the deceased were all his exes. The one found at the publishing company was Howard Dorough and the one found in his apartment was Alexander McClean. Who the hell would have wanted to mess with him like this?

He was in the interrogation room in the Krasniy police station. But the two police officers in there with him were not those from the station. They were from the capital. The case has caught the attention as it could be serial murder and the one who could possibly know the perpetrator was William himself.

"William Hendrik, yes?" One of the police officers started to ask. The other police woman kept her mouth shut as she observed William.

"Yes," William answered calmly.

"I'm Detective Boris Vladamir. You're good to be interviewed?"

"Yeah. I'm good."

"Okay. First, from the police record, you changed your name at the age of 9. Correct?" The detective started off with something William didn't expect.

He felt uneasy as an old memory he wished to forget began to haunt him. "Yes," he forced himself to calm down as he answered the question.

"Your original name was William Stoff, correct?"


It was unusual for the house to be so quiet. I got up from the bed and looked around. "Mommy?" I called out. There was no answer. That was odd. Mom would never not answer me. What was she doing? She must've paid more attention to my sister. That's not fair! I got up angrily and stormed my way to my mom's room. "Masha?" I called out my sister's name this time before reaching for the door. There was also silence. Oh... I get it now. They must've decided to play hide and seek with me. I must catch them! As I pushed the door open, feeling excited expecting my mom and my sister to be surprised, I was greeted with a sight I could never forget.

The detective took out his notepad and began scribbling on it. "Mr. Stoff, would you care to list down the names of anyone who could have malicious intentions towards you," he spoke.

William tried to get the image from his memory out of his head before he responded; "As a writer, there are those who hated my work and I was sent death threats but I never revealed my identity. Never went to any book signing... well except for once. But that was a long time ago before I was recognised in the writing world. And I never displayed any picture of myself online or wherever. The publishing company was also very discreet at making sure my identity was not known to the public. So, I'm sure this was not the work of one of my haters."

"Okay. Then this must be someone you knew personally. Anyone you know that might want to harm you?"

"I have exes but none of my previous relationships ended badly where they would want to kill me. Well... But... my latest ex was being rather stalker-ish," William said as he recalled that lately Nick had been bothering him a lot. Especially after the night he had that one night stand with Marcus. After that, Nick went all psycho like a crazy ex-boyfriend you see in movies. But William could never have imagined him being violent. He was, afterall, scared of blood.

"May I know his name and whereabout?"

"Nick. Nicholas Carter. He lives in the penthouse, Unit 3, 21st floor, Solntse Condominium. But I doubt he would have done something like this as well."

"So, anyone else you might think of?" The detective asked again as he kept scribbling on his notepad.

"I'm not sure at the moment. No one crossed my mind."

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