Chapter 5

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Here is the thing about broken hearts and the weekend. They suck. I don't particularly like the weekends that much. It's because my life is a very lonely one. If I am not hanging out with friends then nine times out of ten I am just laying around this stupid house doing absolutely nothing. Combine that with a broken heart and you get a recipe for depression.

I kept replaying everything that had happened between me and Skylar, all that she said and didn't say. It was on a stupid loop in my head and even when I tried to distract myself with tv or something it was still there.

My parents are out of town, again. I swear they only come home for like a week tops before they are gone again.

Wini tried to call me and come over but I told her I wasn't feeling up to it. Which was true. I didn't feel like socializing and explaining why I may or may not be a bad person to a friend who then, in turn, would tell me things maybe I'm not ready to hear. I just don't want to deal with any of it anymore. I just want it to go away. Why can't problems ever just go away?

I am sure Jade told everyone what happened and of course, made me the bad guy, and maybe I am. Maybe I should just accept that I am the villain in this story and that everything I do has selfish intentions.

I just wanted her to love me again.

I was hanging upside down off my bed and staring at the ceiling. My hair touched the floor. The house was silent, as usual. Just me all by myself on a Saturday. Maybe I should get a dog or something.


One of the things that irk me is when people assume I have everything. That I am this local celebrity or something. I mean maybe I am but they don't know the whole story about anything. They assume that I must have tons of friends and be at all these rich lavish parties every weekend. That my family is always living it up and that I am living it up.

Which obviously couldn't be farther from the truth. I hardly ever get invited anywhere and it is because people assume I am too good for them that they stay away from me. The little friends I do have, well they have their own lives. You know they have family and significant others to be with. They have many other things they would probably rather be doing than sitting bored with me in my oversized house.

My family is so wrapped up in their own lives. Even my parents have a freaking life, most of it without me. I guess I could go on lavish trips and to awesome parties, if I really wanted to, but what fun is that when you're all alone?

I don't really have anyone, not anymore at least. It was fun when I had Skylar. I didn't feel so lonely or like I was just this nobody that people don't want to spend time with. I felt like we really had something special.

Why did I have to mess it up?

I sat up with a grunt and grabbed my phone, I know I shouldn't but I can't just sit around forever. So I called Skylar. It rang and rang and rang until someone answered the line.

"If you ever call her again, I swear to god," Jade said.

I sighed.

"Leave her alone!"

With that, she hung up.

I very much dislike Jade Tate a whole bunch. She might be the first person I actually hate. Yeah... I think I do hate her. I hate Jade Tate.

I got a text message from Skylar's phone that said,

'I'm blocking your number, stay away from her. I mean it. We were happy before you fucked it up. Stay away.'

I clenched my phone hard in my hand and ground my teeth. My eyes watered and I wanted nothing more than to march up to Jade Tate and punch her stupid face. I hate her. How could anyone love someone like her? I really don't get it.

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