Chapter 8

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Sitting across from Skylar at a good restaurant for lunch reminds me of the time I first fell in love with this girl.

It was a regular old lunch at school. Usually, I sat with some friends from the track team but Archer invited me over to sit with him and his friends. Later I would find out it was because he had a crush on me, but at the time I didn't think much of it and just thought he was being friendly.

So there I sat.

Wini was across from me, Demarcus next to her. Archer sat right next to me. The four of us sat there for a moment before Jade came running over, literally dragging Skylar by her arm. I remember how funny it looked as Jade marched forward and Skylar let her shoes slide on the ground.

"Jade!" she had complained.

"Nope we are settling this right now!" she decreed.

Then she sat at the table and made Skylar sit right next to her. Skylar looked right at me and I couldn't help but smile at her. She got so red and I could tell she was freaking out and didn't know what to say. Even though we were both on the track team she always kept to herself.

"Okay everyone, help me out here. Skylar here thinks you guys aren't really her friends, that she just sits here." Jade said.

"Jade!" Skylar complained.

"What! Of course we are your friends," Demarcus said slightly offended.

"See!" Jade said.

"Skylar you are one of us," Wini assured her.

"I second that, what would we be without you? We need a little Skylar in our lives." Archer declared.

"That's what I said!" Jade turned to Skylar.

"Ugh!" Skylar rested her head on the table and put her arms over her head to hide.

"I'll be your friend." I volunteered.

"Look at that, that's five whole friends including me," Jade said.

"Stop embarrassing me," she complained.

I giggled at the sight.

Skylar peeked through her arms to look at me, I waved at her.

She sighed and sat right looking at me. Those blue eyes staring at me. She opened her mouth like she was about to say something, but closed it again. She opened it again but then Jade started talking and Skylar sighed, resigning herself to silence. I giggled.

She noticed me watching her and smiled sheepishly.

And just like that, I was in love.

I kept thinking about how cute she was and how funny she was for the rest of the day, and the next and the day after that. Before I knew it I moved tables permanently and was sitting across from Skylar every day at lunch.

I loved watching her have mini battles with herself wondering if she was going to say something to contribute to whatever conversation we were having. When she would butt in she would look so proud of herself. Gosh, she is so freaking adorable. Of course, I couldn't just tell her I liked her for two reasons, one she didn't know I was gay, two I didn't know if she was gay. I didn't want to take the chance and forever have things be awkward around us. So I waited until I knew for sure.

Now here I am sitting across from her watching her have that inner battle like always, wondering if she should say something first or let me. She is so cute. I love her.

"There isn't much to talk about." I start the conversation.

"Uh, yeah, there is! You kissed me! You can't just kiss me whenever. I'm with Jade now."

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