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A few months later

"Ugh, I'm so going to fail this test." Kenzie slams her head on her book as we lay on the floor and study.

"Hey, don't give up yet. I need your energy to finish this lame essay. Your positivity was the only thing keeping me going." Lexi says around a mouthful of chips.

"Break time?" I offer.

"Count me in," Aphrodite said.

"We just took a break." Lexi points out.

"If we don't take a break, my brain will melt." Kenzie retorts.

"Fine." Lexi sighs.

"Your turn to pick," I say to Kenzie.

"We can watch an episode of friends?" she suggests.

"All in favor?" I ask.

Just then the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it!" Kenzie shoots up and runs to the door.

"I come bearing gifts!" Skylar says.

"Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Kenzie grabs the coffees from her hand.

"How's the studying coming along?" Jade walks in.

"Ugh, don't ask," Kenzie complains.

"I hope you got my order right." Aphrodite walks over to the cups.

"Yes, for the hundredth time." Skylar snarks.

She grabs her cup and sips it, testing it out.

"Satisfied?" Skylar asks.

"Humph," she turns and walks away.

Skylar pretends to choke her behind her back.

I laugh and get up to join them, Lexi behind me.

"You excited for your track competition tomorrow?" I ask Skylar.

"You bet; you know technically I'm not supposed to leave the hotel." She points out.

"Lame, rules are meant to be broken." Jade pecks her on the lips.

"Try telling that to my professor. I swear she's the only one who makes me turn in my papers by 10." Lexi complains.

"Well forget studying and papers, I'm bored here," Jade complains.

"No one told you to come along," Skylar points out.

"Oh shut up, I know you want me all alone in your hotel room." Jade pinches Skylar's butt.

"Ew! I'm trying to drink coffee here!" Kenzie throws a napkin at them.

"Seriously, none of us want that mental image." Aphrodite comments.

Jade sticks her tongue out at us before wrapping herself around Skylar from behind. Skylar's face goes bright red but she shrugs out of Jade's embrace.

"Hey, wait a second," Lexi says.

We all look at her.

"You guys! We are having an unofficial Disney park reunion."

"Huh, I guess we are," Aphrodite says.

"I vote we go on another crazy adventure!" Jade says.

"I vote we finish our homework," Kenzie snaps at her.

"Why not both?" I offer.

Everyone looks at me.

"What, the nights still young. I say we finish up and then go out and be back before it gets too late so Skylar can rest before her competition."

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