Chapter 36

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We got into a nice routine after that. Going out to eat at least once a week. Working hard to better ourselves and achieve our goals. Kenzie worked very hard. If she wasn't at work she was at the library studying. When she wasn't doing that she was home practicing her violin.

I swear she had more notes for school than me.

And I was prepping for finals!

Her violin playing is so... beautiful. I've grown used to hearing it in the apartment. Of course, we've gotten a few complaints on us so I've soundproofed her room for her. But even though our neighbors can't hear it, I can.

I was sure to give Kenzie breaks when I thought she needed one. I didn't want her to burn out. She was also there for me, especially after the blow came. I figured out why Aphrodite wasn't talking to me, she's dating someone new. She finally called me and told me about it. We had a long talk, to be honest, I've sort of blocked the whole thing from my head. All I know is I felt betrayed and broken after finding out.

My first instinct was to go to Lexi, but Kenzie slapped me to my senses before I did.

Aphrodite says she wants to see where this goes, I pretended to be happy for her. But I think she knew. But I know I have no one to blame but myself. I pushed her away, not the other way around.

Lexi and I are talking again, but not hanging out. The talks mostly consist of awkward banter and us dancing around each other's feelings. I feel like we've lost touch. Like even though I see her in class, she's even farther away from me than Aphrodite.

I guess this is for the best.

This time being single has made me focus on myself. My grades are up. My internship is locked in. I finally have time for my hobbies and interest. And thanks to Kenzie, I don't feel so lonely anymore. I even called my parents and talked to them.

I know right.

After I started dating Lexi and left Aphrodite my family wasn't too happy with me. We sort of lost touch again. But I finally made amends with them and told them I was coming home for thanksgiving. A short much-needed break away from everything.

Kenzie wanted to drive there, I wanted to fly. So we debated on it before finally deciding to fly and rent a car when we get there.

"Are you sure your family said it was okay?" Kenzie asked.

"It will be fine because I got a hotel."

She lets out a giant sigh of relief.

"My family can be a nightmare too. This is why I think a hotel is for the best for all of us."

She giggled.

"Have you talked to your parents yet?"

Her face darkened and she shook her head no.

"It will be okay," I grab her hand.

She takes a calming breath and nods.

"Did you send in your audition piece?" I ask.

"Even better, I auditioned in person."


"She really liked it. But, we'll see."

"You got this." I squeeze her hand.

"I'm not getting my hopes up yet."

"Did you take the test?"

"Yep, I don't know if I get in until after thanksgiving. I sent in my essays, hopefully, they like them."

"You should have let me read them."

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