Chapter 32

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I've been thinking hard about what Skylar said to me. About how you know when you know. It's caused me to review all of my past and present relationships to see if I have ever felt anything like that before. I keep coming back to this one day.

The day Aphrodite and I started officially dating, again.

It started out like any normal day, I got up to go to school and grabbed my backpack off the floor. As I headed downstairs to leave, the doorbell rang. So I walked over and answered it. There was Aphrodite standing there in all her glory.

We weren't together at this point but we had made out our fair share of times and come awfully close to crossing some lines. But she waited for me, just like she said she would. She waited for me to get better and fully heal from Skylar.

"What's up? Want to ride to school together?" I asked.

"We are going to skip today," she declared.

"We are?"

"Yep," she grabbed my backpack from me and threw it across the floor.

"Hey," I pouted. "I have a paper due today.


"Aphrodite, what is the meaning of this?" I sighed.

"Today, I want to show you something."


"No buts, you trust me, right?"

"Debatable," I shrug.

She eyed me.

"Okay, fine." I smiled at her.

She smiled back.

"Good, come on." She grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door.

My shoes crunched on the leftover ice and snow on the ground which was already melting and turning into brown slush.

"Okay so this is sort of a two-parter, so we will be gone a couple of days." She said as we got in the car.

"Shouldn't I pack a bag?" I said.

"Hmm," she debated.

"Please can I pack a bag? My parents are going to kill me."

"Fine, but hurry!" she got back out of the car.

So we rushed back inside and I packed a small bag and grabbed all that I would need. Then we left.

"Can you at least give me a hint?" I ask.

"Remember that camp we used to go to as kids?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, I was doing some research."


"And the camp has been converted into a cabin resort."


"So, our cabin is open for a couple of days."


"And I booked it. It was a spur of the moment." She shrugs.

I chuckle.

"That's not all," she said.


"But the second part is a surprise."

"Fine, I'll wait." I rolled my eyes.

"Good because you have no choice." She beamed.

We drove down remote roads and towards a small secluded town until we finally arrived at the cabins two and a half hours later. We check in and I help unload the bags to our cabin. It's completely different from what I remember. It's all redone and nice looking.

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