Chapter 31

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The line rang, and rang, and rang before going to voicemail. I sighed and rested my forehead against the wall. Somehow, I just knew what to say, I didn't even have to think about it.

"I don't know if you're back in England yet or not. I do know that I regret a lot of things, one of those things being what I said to you yesterday. How I handled this whole situation. I didn't mean what I said, any of it. I'm just so insecure and I have abandonment issues. These are things I need to work on. What I really wanted to say to you I don't want to say over the phone. If you are still here, I need to see you. Text me the time and place and I'll be there. If you don't ever want to see me again. I understand," my voice broke a bit on that last part.

Then I hung up.

I took a second to collect myself and calm down. My heart was beating so fast, my tears on the verge of spilling over. I knew this was only half of what I had to do. Doing the other half just broke me to even think about it. Could I really do this to Lexi?

After everything?

I quickly pulled myself together and walked back to the table. I sat next to Lexi.

"I ordered you what you usually get," she said to me.

"Oh, uh thanks."

"What? Want to try something different?" she eyes me after hearing my strained tone.

"No, that's fine."

"You okay?"

"I'm fine," I lie.

She eyes me but decides to let it slide and goes back to looking at her phone. I glance over to Kenzie and she asks me a question with her eyes, is everything okay? I glance at Lexi then back to her and shake my head no.

She seems to understand I can't talk about it now. So, she nods in understanding and turns to look at Jade who was eyeing the two of us in curiosity. Jade raises an eyebrow at me, and I avoid her gaze.

When our food came my phone vibrated with a new message. I quickly opened it and it had an address and said to come to room 521 at 7:00 PM. It was from Aphrodite. I felt my heart skip a beat.

"Everything okay?" Lexi asked.

"Huh!" I flinched and put my phone away, "Uh yeah. Everything's good."

Skylar sighed from across the table.

Lexi frowned.

The rest of breakfast went by quickly.

Mostly because I was stuffing my face to avoid talking or looking at anyone. I was too busy trying to not participate in the conversation that I missed most of what Jade was talking about. I didn't realize she was trying to pressure Kenzie into doing something until I got back in the car.

"I said no!" Kenzie snapped at her.

"You'll have to face them sooner or later." Jade sighed.

"I choose later, way later."

"Mackenzie, they are worried about you."

"Wow, that's a first." Kenzie rolled her eyes. And turned in her seat to avoid looking at Jade.

"They're your parents," Jade tried.

"Just drop it!" Mackenzie shouted.


"If she's not ready don't force her," I butt in, cutting off Jade.

"Thank you," Mackenzie huffed.

Jade glared at me through the rearview mirror.

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