Chapter 13

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I heard once that if you say something over a hundred times it becomes true, to you at least. Maybe that's all I really need to do; just say I don't love Skylar anymore a hundred times and it will become true. That doesn't sound too hard.

"Stop hogging the mirror," Jade elbowed Kenzie hard in the side.

"Stop hogging the mirror," Kenzie mocked her in a more annoying version of Jade's voice.

We were back to being crammed into one room while we got ready to go get something to eat before heading to the Disney resort. Aphrodite basically claimed the bathroom as hers, locking everyone else out. Jade and Kenzie were fighting over the mirror on the wall by the bed while Skylar just sat there, like me, waiting for Aphrodite to get out.

"Stop it, you are going to make me mess up," Jade complained.

"Trust me no amount of make can fix that," Kenzie said.

I snorted in amusement which caused Jade to glare at me. I stuck my tongue out at her, just to piss her off. She gave me the bird. I glanced at Skylar then back to Jade, wiggling my eyebrows. Jade mouthed Fuck you.

"Stop it." Skylar groaned and put a pillow over her face.

She had been watching the whole thing.

I frowned at her.

Finally, Aphrodite came out of the restroom, fully ready.

"Finally, geez." I got up to get ready.

"I'm ready, anyone want to walk with me to the car to put up the stuff?" Aphrodite asked.

"I'll go, I'm ready too." Kenzie volunteered.

I shut the bathroom door to change.

Sadly the walls are thin so I could hear,

"Just get dressed, it's only us now," Jade said.

"I can wait."

"Not like I haven't seen you naked before."

"Ugh fine."

"Just be fast, I don't want anyone sneaking any peaks," Jade said.

"Will you cut it out."

"She's all over you!"

"Jade, first of all, she is not. Second, it's none of your business. Third, you know how I feel about you. So stop."

I rolled my eyes as I heard Jade pout.

I quickly got washed up and changed before brushing out my hair and deciding on putting it up today.

Maybe if I just pretend Jade's not there, she will actually disappear, is that how life works? I can only dream I guess.

"Maybe you should wear no shirt, you look so cute." I heard Jade say.

"Stop it," Skylar mumbled.

"Mmm, look at those abs."

"You know I'm going to gain a lot of weight just so you will stop teasing me about my abs."

"Then I'll get to pinch your love handles like this,"

"Stop it," Skylar giggled.

I could only guess the two were flirting with their hands. I clenched my jaw and did my best to resist the urge to open the door. In the end, I was weak. I swung open the door and I heard Skylar yelp. I stepped out of the bathroom and saw her putting a shirt on, Jade's face was red. Skylar was turning redder by the second.

They must have been doing more than flirting.

"Ready yet?" I asked.

"Just about," Jade went back to inspecting herself in the mirror.

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