Chapter 11

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It's stressful being the only child of two millionaires. My dad is the owner of several golf courses and hotels, both in the states and internationally. My mom is a famous travel writer. She has several books published and has her own blog and has even been on the radio and tv talk shows a few times. Together they use their connections to travel the world, leaving me, their daughter, behind.

They usually come home once a month to pay bills, check on things, spend time with me. Sometimes they stay for a few weeks, sometimes it's only a few days. There is one good thing to having rich parents who are hardly ever home.

No supervision.

I woke up around 6ish from my nap, with Aphrodite already up and watching Tv. She was laying on her stomach and kicking her legs in the air. The Tv was on really low and her eyes were glued to the screen as she watched some nature documentary.

"What are you watching?" I smirked and lay next to her.

"Hello sleeping beauty, did you know Orca whales are actually part of the dolphin family."

"No, I did not know that." I stared at the Tv.

"Now you do."

"Weird, but then why are they called whales?"

"Who knows."

I stared at the screen as divers got some underwater shots of whales. Then she turned the tv off.

"Hey," I complained.

"Let's do something stupid." She said.

"I'm listening." I turned to face her.

"Well I'm bored and we are two teenagers with tons of money and nothing to do. So..."


"Let's do something stupid. Like go on a jet plane, or go deep-sea fishing, or take a helicopter ride."

"Okay, you have officially lost your mind. We would get in so much trouble."

"Exactly, come on our parents aren't here to tell us no. I'm sure there is some sports game going on we can get box seats too. Or some 21 and over club we can buy our way into. I bet we could rent out some hot rod car and take it for a thrill ride."

I smirked at her, she smiled back.

"Okay, so which one are we doing?"

"Let's take a private jet to Florida and skip school for a few days, stay at Disney resort, and go to Disney world like every day."

"Hell yeah, now that sounds fun."

"So are we doing it?"

"Why not? I'll pack a bag for a week."

"Cool, maybe we should invite Mackenzie."

"Her mom would kill her, plus I kinda thought you wanted this to be a, you and me thing."

"Won't that be awkward? I mean you know how I feel about you, wouldn't it be better if there were three of us?"

"Point taken, I'll call her. Go pack a bag and meet me back here."

She smiled and kissed me on the cheek before leaving.

I called Kenzie.


"Hey, question. How much trouble would you get in if you ditched school for like a whole week?"

"Uh, yeah, I'd have to plan what I would wear to my own funeral."

"Thought so, want to do it anyway?"


"Aphrodite and I are feeling crazy so we are going to take a private jet to Disney world and stay there all week. I'm talking all-expense-paid access to the happiest place on earth, so you in?"

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