Chapter 29

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I couldn't get Aphrodite out of my head. For the rest of the day, she was all I could think about. Where was she? Why was she looking for me? What is she doing here? Is she okay? Does she still hate me? Will I ever see her again?

I was exhausted by the end of the day.

"Come over, I want to lay with you beside me." Lexi pulled my arm as I walked to my car.

"I'm tired Lex, why don't you come over to my place?"

She pouted.

"Please, I'll buy you food." I grab her hand and interlock our fingers.

"I can't. I told my neighbor I'd watch their dog tonight." She says.

"You watch dogs now?"

"She convinced me, how could I so no to its little face? It's so cute. If you come over you can cuddle it with me."

"Tempting, but I have lots of work to catch up on."

She huffs.

"Maybe tomorrow?"

"Deal," she pecks me on the lips.

I smile and kiss the back of her hand before walking to my car.

The truth is I had no intention of catching up on schoolwork. I had one goal in mind. Find Aphrodite. I had to see her, I had to talk to her. I don't know why, but I felt like whatever she had to say was important. I guess it was that look on her face, the one she had before Lexi interrupted us.

So, I went home to recollect my thoughts and think of places to look but when I opened my door, Aphrodite was there. With Kenzie. She was crying and Kenzie was comforting her. They both looked up at me when I walked in.

"Hey, there you are. Where did you go?" I walked over to her.

"Uh, I'm gonna go... get something to eat." Kenzie quickly came up with before leaving the two of us alone.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" I sat next to Aphrodite.

"Why didn't you ever call me?" she demanded.

I was taken aback.

I wasn't expecting that, wasn't prepared.

"Do you love her? Do you love Lexi?" she pushed.

"W-what? Where is this coming from?"

"Tell me!" she stood up and demanded.

I stood up too and looked her in the eyes.

"At first I didn't call you because I was so angry. I was broken and hurting. I knew if I heard your voice it would only be worse. By the time I was ready to talk to you, too much time had passed. Everything had changed. I wouldn't have even known what to say."

"How about a hello! How are you doing!? How's school!? That's one thing I've always hated about you! You are a coward! Always have been, always will be. You can't just face your issues, you run, you pretend they don't exist."

"Why are you bringing all this up? That was then, this is now. Since when do you hold a grudge?"

"Since I fell in love with you!"

There was a long moment of silence.

"What are you doing here?" I finally asked.

"I tried! I thought I did what was right, I thought that going away to school was what was best for me. That I'd always have you and one day we'd be reunited again. I tried so hard to keep that mindset."

"What are you saying?"

"I can't do it, Darleen. I love you. I still love you. I can't... I can't just move on like you. I never could, not when it comes to you. I came here to see you, to tell you that I still love you. To tell you that I'm ready to give it all up just to be with you. Do you know how much time I wasted staring at my phone waiting for you to call? All the nights I tossed and turned thinking and dreaming of you? Please, just tell me. Do you love her?"

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