Chapter 27

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Everything happens for a reason. This is something I have come to accept in life. Every experience carries with it a lesson to be learned. Sometimes it takes a few tries before that lesson can sink in. Sometimes you have to lose something first before something new can take its place.

At least that's what I keep telling myself. 

All I can think about it is Lexi. I just want to go back to her and beg her to take me back. I want to kiss her and hold her and look into those eyes again. I feel so sick.

It's been a week since the break-up. I'm a total mess. I stopped going to class to avoid her. I stare at my phone for hours on end hoping she'll call me, text me, or post something on social media. Sometimes I drive by her job just to see her face without her noticing.

"Okay, this has to stop. Fresh start! This is not a fresh start." Kenzie crossed her arms and stood in front of me. Drawing my attention away from my phone.

"I can't help it," I curled up on the couch.

"Darleen! If I can walk for miles filling out job applications every day, you can stop looking at your phone for five seconds."

"Wait, that's where you go all day?"

"Duh! I don't have a car so I walk and take the bus."

"Shit, I'm sorry. You could have just asked, I'd take you." I sat up.

"Sure let me just text you real quick," she pretended to take out an invisible phone and fake text me.

"Kenzie! Why didn't you say anything? I can get you a new phone."

"I don't want you to get me anything. I just want you to try, put some effort into it at least."

"You need a phone, how are jobs supposed to call you back?"

"Well, I go stand out by the payphone by the library. I put my available hours I'd be ready for a call. So I just wait for a few hours to see if anyone will call." She shrugged.

"Kenzie! No! Oh my god, come on." I get up and grab my keys.

"We aren't going anywhere, especially not with you dressed like that." She motioned to me.

I look down at my sad frumpy sweatpants and my faded t-shirt and frown.

She had a point.

"Okay, well let me get dressed first, then we go look."

"Darleen," she pouted.

"No, think of this as my apology for being an asshole and nearly ruining everything."

"I already told you—"

"Ap ap ap," I put a finger on her lips.

She glares at me.

"I'm doing this," I said.

She huffs and rolls her eyes.

So I rush to my room and get washed up and changed. Then I drive Kenzie down to the phone store. She tries to pick the cheapest dinosaur they have but I force her to get a newer more reliable phone.

Then I take her down to the used car lot.

"Darleen stop, please. I already take advantage of you as it is. I can't let you do this."

"I'm doing this for me, helping people makes me feel better. Trust me, my trust fund has me covered for life and then some. I won't even notice it's gone."


"Can I help you ladies?" a sales representative walked up to us.

"She needs a car, the best you have." I push Kenzie forward.

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