Chapter 42

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Warning: This chapter contains sensitive material related to suicide and suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Please read with caution.

While I'm speeding over to Lexi's place I call the cops, muting Lexi's call so she can't hear me on a jointed call with the police. I explain everything and tell them she has a history of drugs and they say they will meet me there.

When I am only five minutes out, Lexi goes silent.

"Lexi?" I say.


"Lexi talk to me," I demand.


I punch the pedal and nearly wreck my car as I peel into her neighborhood. I slam on the breaks and park my car in the street before running inside. I unlock the door with my spare key and run all over the house.

I find her passed out in her room.

Lots of drug paraphernalia next to her on the floor.

"No, no, no. Lexi! Lexi stay with me," I run over to her and pull her into my arms.

She's cold and unresponsive.

I get up and start ripping through all her stuff looking for the overdoes pin I know she keeps in case of emergencies. Finally, I find it at the bottom of a desk drawer. I run over to her and jab it into her.

The ambulance gets there shortly after and they take her out, I ride with them in the ambulance.

I call her brother because he's like the only not awful person in her family.

Thankfully, they are able to save her life.

Just barely.

If I hadn't done what I did, she'd be dead.

I stay with her all night, resting by her bedside. They have her resting, trying to get the drugs out of her system.

Kenzie comes to bring me a change of clothes.

"You okay?" she asks me.

"No," I swallow down a sob caught in my throat.

"Talk to me," she caresses my cheek.

"I should have known. She was acting off when we got coffee. I should have known she was back on drugs. I should have seen the warning signs. I'm such an idiot."

"This isn't your fault."

"Yes it is."


"I'll be home when I ca. Go to work. I'll keep you posted." I turn away from her.

"Darleen this isn't your fault."

I wipe the tears that threaten to spill over and leave Kenzie to go change.

Dawson, Lexi's brother gets there shortly after. He got on the first flight he could over here. But he's not alone. The awful creature that calls itself Lexi's mother is here too. The same awful woman who encouraged Lexi to puke after every meal to look skinny. The same awful woman who introduced Lexi to her abusive ex. The same awful woman who told Lexi rehab was for quitters and losers. To deal with her drug problem like a real woman and suck it up.

Just seeing her makes me pissed.

She told Lexi I was too good for her. Told Lexi I was the best she could ever do. That I would leave her and it would all be downhill. Just wait and see, she told her. I remember when she spewed that bullshit. That day Lexi moved in with me. I came this close to smacking her makeup off her damn face.

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