Chapter 20

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The rest of the vacation went pretty smoothly. Lexi joined us at the beach and basically instantly clicked with everyone, well everyone except Aphrodite who was adamant about not liking her. Of course, a picture of Aphrodite and I kissing at the beach quickly made its rounds through the media.

People were calling me a two-timer. A lot of hate mail.

I basically just ignored all of my family's calls after that. Wini called once or twice and I filled her in on everything. Lexi ended up tagging along with us a lot after the first time. She went with us to Disney World and Universal Studios. She went shopping with us and just hung out with us in our hotel room.

There were only two days left for our vacation. We had just got back from Disneyworld with a ton of more stuff.

Jade pulled out her lightsaber, it made the signature sound as it lit up green.

"Face it Kenzie, you can't win. I have the high ground." Jade said as she held her lightsaber as if she was about to fight.

"You fool," Kenzie turned her saber on, the red light illuminating her face. "You can't defeat me. The force is strong with me."

"Well, I have back up," Jade smirked.

Skylar turned on her blue saber and got next to Jade.

"So do I," Kenzie smirked back.

Aphrodite grabbed her purple saber.

"Are they always this nerdy?" Lexi asked me as we sat at the bar.

"Pretty much," I said before grabbing my saber off the counter.

She laughed before grabbing her own.

Mine lit up yellow. Lexi had a double-sided red saber.

It was late at night, all of us freshly showered and in our sleepwear. Jade was standing on the couch. Skylar next to her. Everyone else was crowded around the couch.

"We're outnumbered," Skylar said.

"Trust the force Skylar, we can win," Jade said.

"Attack!" Kenzie said.

We all charged them as they defended the couch. The sound effects of our new sabers filled the room.

"You can't win Jade, I am your cousin!"

"No!" Jade cried out.

We all burst into laughter before settling down.

"Alright girls, no more kid stuff. Who wants to have some fun?" Lexi smirked at us as she pulled out a bottle of Vodka from her bag. It was a very big bottle.

"I'm listening," Jade smirked.

"Truth or Dare. You do it, or you take a shot."

"No, I'm gonna lose." Skylar pouted.

"There is no losing only getting drunk."

"Alright, alright, we need ground rules," I said.

"Lay it on me," Lexi said.

"First no dares that are going to get the cops called on us. The last thing I want to do is go to jail for underage drinking. Second, if someone wants to stop, we let them. Third, no trashing the hotel. Everyone clear?" I said.

They nodded.

"Good. Now, let's clear a spot."

We moved all our new Disney stuff to our rooms and all met back up downstairs on the couches.

Lexi grabbed an empty coke bottle and put it on the coffee table before spinning it.

It landed on me.

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