Chapter Twenty Two

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Bit of a prego swollen face? ^^^^

Alex's POV

"It's hard to look right, at you baby, but hers my number,

So call me maybe!"

I woke up to different voices downstairs. I was feeling really hormonal and did not want to deal with this. I listened closer. I was positive of two voices. Carter and Cass. I think the others were Kane and Courtney. Hunter might be there too, I don't really care.

I just really need them to shut up. My head is throbbing and my stomach hurts like hell. I am already almost three months pregnant. This is not very fun. Never get pregnant. NEVER. I moaned, getting off the bed.

"Here's my number, so

Call me maybe!"

Ugh. This is not funny. I hopped out of bed and headed to the now open bedroom door, but not before stubbing my toe on the desk beside the door.

"Ouch! Mother fucker!" I winced in pain. This was even more to add to my other problems.

I ran down the stairs and went into the kitchen. I found Court, Carter, Cass, Kane, and Hunter all dancing and flopping pancakes on the skillet. Call me maybe just turned off and All about it by Hoddie Allen featuring Ed shearen came on.

"Cause I got soul, and I won't quit,

And your dad don't like it when I talk my shit,

But I'm all about it baby, I'm all about it baby." Courtney sang/yelled.

"Stayin' up late just to pass the time,

And you parents don't like it when you and I are gettin' high,

But I'm all about it baby, I'm all about it baby." Carter finished. I almost laughed, until I remembered that my head was in extremely bad pain from this.

"SHUT UP! IT IS A HORRIBLE PAIN TO HEAR THIS CRAP WHEN YOU ARE PREGNANT, WITH A THROBBING HEAD, AND JUST WOKE UP!" I screamed as loud as I could over the music. They all turned around and looked at me in shock.

I was panting from the use of breath. So much breath...

Not good for pregnancy...

Bye world.

Until next time...

And it all went black.

Carter's POV

"Alex?" I asked as her eyes went criss-cross and she fell. I instantly rushed to her side, picking her up and mind linking Ginger, the pack doctor. She said-or thought- that she would be here in about five minutes.

"What the hell dude?" Kane asked me.

"Oh my! What happened to her?" Courtney asked, worried.

"I think it's just stress..." Hunter trailed off. I nodded in agreement.

"Oh no. Now I feel bad!" Cass whispered, but we all heard it. "We were making so much noise, trying to be funny, but we forgot that she could do this and get hormonal easily..." Cass continued.

"Damn it! I should have known!" I yelled.

Ginger just walked through the door. She came over with her tools and examined Alex. She said that she is alright. I sighed in relief. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to her and the baby.

"Just make sure she gets rest." Ginger said before leaving. I nodded a thanks and picked Alex up.

"Imma go take her to the bedroom. See yah later." I told Kane.

"Kay." He said.

I ran up the stairs and plopped Alex carefully onto the bed. She was so beautiful. I took tin  to really look at her features. Nice, high cheekbones. She has a perfect, pale skin tone with the perfect amount of tan. She was a perfect Angel, my Angel. No...My baby.

Alright! Next chapter will be very exciting!!

Lol. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE READS! I love u all so friggin much!

My new goal is 580.

Plz get meh there! Thanks so much! Love you!


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