Chapter Twenty Three

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Please excuse mistakes. :)

Alex's POV

"Cause I met you in the summer..." My phone alarm was running. Must have forgot to turn it off.

It's been a week since I passed out.

I am now 3months and 3days pregnant. I could have my baby-Kate- any day now. She is kicking me about every 2 seconds. It's not the best feeling. Carter and I have packed a bag, taking the doctors advice. I am really nervous for labor, it seems to be horrible.

I groan, getting out of bed and heading to the shower. I was so close to making it out of bed until I felt strong arms around my leg. He was pulling me down to him.

"Mmm." He mumbled.

"Babe. I gotta take a shower..." I let the sentence trail off.


"Yes. Now let me go." I said, smacking his hand and arms.

"Ow." He said, letting go. I smiled and got the shower running.


"Ha! I win for the third time bitches!" I yelled at Courtney, Alane(A 19 year old who I met at the pack diner) and Brooke. (Hunters sister if you don't remember) it was six at night, the boys were having 'guy time' and we were currently playing uno. I have won for the last three rounds.

"Yah, yah. Whatever. Let's do something else. I'm bored." Brooke told us. We all nodded in agreement.

"Alright. What should we do?" Asked Alane. I thought about, then an idea popped in ny head.

"Let's go to the beach!" I squealed.

"At 6:30pm?" Brooke exclaimed.

"Come on!" I yelled. "It'll be fun!" They all thought about it, then finally, they all said yes and went to change.

I changed into my navy blue and white polka dot bikini. Although I have a belly, I still look hot. At least Carter thinks so... I applies  some waterproof mascara and eyeliner, the stepped out of the bathroom.

Courtney had a hot pink and black striped bikini, Brooke had an all black one-piece on. And Alane had on black bottoms with a green swim shirt. We all headed out of the house. When we arrived, all of us sprang into the water, splashing and dunking.

All of a sudden, strong, manly arms wrapped around me. I was so scared and I started to scream. That was until he turned me around and I saw his beautiful blue eyes. My baby.

"Hey." He said.

"Hi." I replied out of breath.

He smirked his little smirked and kissed my forehead. I smiled. Glad that he wasn't out drinking and having different kinds of fun with girls. I kissed him on the lips, my mouth already parted to invite him in.

"OH MY! What the hell?" Courtney screamed, getting grabbed and dunked by Hunter. We all laughed at that.

"Why are you here?!" Brooke asked Kane. He just shook hos head and slung her over his shoulder.

"Baby..." Carter said, nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck.

"Why are you here?" I asked, repeating Brooke.

"We couldn't stay away that long. Not from my girl. Hunter needed Courtney and Kane was just happy to come along..." He said chuckling.

I nodded and started kissing him again. "Good because *kiss* I was *kiss* getting *kiss* anxious..." I told him before grinding my hips onto his body. I really wanted him. Like really.

"Damn babe." He murmured until dragging out of the ocean and onto the sand. I was about to rip off his shirt until I felt a liquid running down my leg.

It didn't smell, so not pee. I was pregnant, so not my period... I am pregnant! Labor!

"Oh my God Carter!" I yelled, getting a contraction already.

"What baby?" He whispered pulling me closer.

I groaned and jumped off of him. I was going to have a baby. As much as I wanted him, I couldn't have him... not for a while.

"I am in fucking labor! My water just broke! HELP!" I yelled. Everyone stopped playing around in the water and looked over.

"Holy shit!" Courtney yelled, jumping throughout the waves with everyone following behind her. Carter came over  to me and picked me up bridal style.

"Oh my God. I'm gonna have a kid." He whispered as we got into the car and went to the hospital.

Yay! Baby girl on the way!

Thanks for all the reads! But please get meh to 570!

Thanks! Love u all!


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