chapter 02.

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Jeon Mira didn't know how attached she was to Kim Sunoo that it actually made her tear up once she gets home. After their short meet-up session on the rooftop, she had dumbly accepted his request in helping him get her classmate, Park Aerin.

From the five years she had stayed at the same school, it allowed Mira to understand the personality of her fellow current and former classmates.

Park Aerin is a cute and shy well-mannered girl, sort of clumsy too. She has a small and slim figure. She tends to act a little clingy with people she is close with and likes to have her shoulder-length hair styled with a few clips on the side to prevent her fringe from blocking her view.

Mira wasn't sure if the girl was enough to be called her friend. She was more like a classmate to her since they only converse during class hours and when class ended, they stopped conversing. Both students did share a couple of smiles in the hallway to not seem rude.

Mira didn't know the difference between her and Aerin. How Sunoo would choose a girl he barely talks to over his best friend of three years. Was there something she lacked? Or does he prefer the cute-type girls?

Mira heaved out a loud sigh, opening her drawer and taking out a notebook and a pencil. She flipped the book until she found an empty page and let her hand glide across the paper as if it has a mind of its own. This was her way of coping. Whether she felt sad, mad, or if she simply wanted to waste her time doing something instead of nothing.

To be completely honest, Mira never imagined herself being in a relationship. She never imagined herself being taken by someone, but the thought of having Sunoo by her side had been clouding her mind a lot, making her think otherwise.

There was a minor problem though. As childish as it sounds, she disliked being teased. Especially by her family members.

The reason was that her older brother once announced that he has a crush on a girl, resulting in their parents, especially their father teasing him all day and night. The man even called their relatives and told them about how her brother would be getting a girlfriend soon.

Telling their aunts and uncles was not necessary at all.

Unlike Jeon Mira, her older brother liked the attention he received and took advantage of it, making it his motivation. He declared he would get the girl of his dreams and a few months later, he succeeded, much to Mira's surprise.

Seeing her brother being in a relationship made her realize how happy he was and it sort of brought her to the same mindset, which was why she was so excited when Kim Sunoo invited her to the rooftop.

Mira was so into her thoughts she didn't realize she had finished the drawing. She wasn't surprised to have drawn a rough sketch of him — it only made sense because her mind was filled with this certain boy. The girl deeply sighed before ripping the page from the book, crumpling it, and tossing it in the trash.

It was time to move on.


Yang Jungwon wasn't sure about his feelings.

When Aerin asked him if he could help her get together with Sunoo, something inside him felt weird. He tried to play it cool and tease her by saying, "Why? Do you have a crush on him or something?" with a smirk on his face, but never expected the girl to boldly nod her head yes.

Now he was in dilemma.
He didn't know what to do after that event.

Just thinking about Aerin and Sunoo being in a relationship felt strange to him. His childhood friend and his best friend? He had known the girl since they were in diapers, going through everything together and experiencing new things. He even remembered her exclaiming, "Ew, love is gross! I'm staying single forever!"

Jungwon ruffled his hair in frustration and slumped on the bed, staring at the white ceiling of his room as he contemplated whether he should be a stubborn boy and keep Aerin away from Sunoo, or be the supporting friend and encourage her.

With furrowed eyebrows, he punched the air, looking stupid if someone was here to witness it.

He was just confused.

What were these emotions he was feeling? Jealousy? No, it couldn't be jealousy. It's true, he wanted to be the one standing by Aerin's side but at the same time, he was alright with her being taken by someone else. How do feelings work? It's weird.

Why do humans have feelings?

The boy sighed and closed his eyes, recalling a short memory where they were hanging out in the park as kids. Not caring about any problems as they were feeling wild and free. Little Jungwon had his pinky extended as he grinned at the younger girl on the sandbox at the playground, "Promise me we'll stay together forever?"

The little girl smiled and nodded, intertwining her small pinky with his, "I pinky promise!"

Yang Jungwon grumbled at the thought, turning his body around so he laid flat on his stomach, face stuffed against the mattress. Aerin probably viewed him as an older brother she can look up to. Having a ten months age gap made him think so.

All he could do now was sit back and watch as his childhood friend slowly starts slipping away from him and going to another boy, falling in love, and eventually getting married— stop.

Jungwon only hoped Kim Sunoo would take care of her in his stead. If he ever hurts her, he would gladly introduce him to his fist.

a/n; here's another update for you to understand what's going on in the book! and happy birthday to our yang garden <3

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