chapter 71.

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"Dad, I don't think he can."


"What do you mean so? He's busy!"

"I don't care," Mr. Jeon deadpanned making Mira let out a deep exhale. Long story short, the man had been bugging her if Jungwon could come over for Christmas. Her father seemed to really like the said boy after all their interactions —wait no, scratch that— the man had always liked Jungwon from the very moment they met. Inviting him over for Christmas was just another excuse for Mr. Jeon to talk to him again.

From the conversation Mira had with her boyfriend a few days ago, it was pretty clear that Jungwon would be spending Christmas with his family. She wasn't going to barge into their house and kidnap their only son just because her father said so. That would be plain rude and disrespectful.

Although that was something Mr. Jeon was capable of doing alone.

"I don't care if you can't make it, but Jungwon better be here," Mr. Jeon repeated, turning back to look at the TV whilst switching channels. "I won't take no as an answer."

"HAHA! When your family likes your boyfriend more than you," Suna snorted from the other side of the room. He stuck his tongue out when Mira sent him a glare.

In contrast to his behavior a few days ago, Suna had started to become his normal self again. Mira recalled seeing him looking depressed as fuck in the living room when she entered the house after her short outing. If she didn't know any better, she would have assumed he was upset that he was unable to play outside due to his weak immune system, but then she noticed a few dried tear stains on his cheeks making her think it was from a different reason.

Not like she cared or anything, but she was relieved he was okay now. Pfft.

"It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Even Kiha is coming home after two years," Her father added, frowning when the TV suddenly stopped working all of a sudden. He pressed the power button from the remote but the electronic device refused to turn on.

Jeon Mira sighed deeply upon hearing his words, pinching the bridge of her nose. She was glad that her older brother was coming back for Christmas, finally taking a breather from his busy university life, but for him to meet Jungwon for the first time? God, was she nervous.

Since Mira was the only daughter in the family, Kiha would get overprotective of her even though he had not been with them for two whole years. Being the eldest child made him take that responsibility. At the same time though, Jeon Kiha would get excited (on the inside) to meet the boy who had stolen his little sister's heart.

Loud rapid footsteps from a certain young boy descending down the stairs combined with a few profanities coming out of her father's mouth as he tried fixing the television by unplugging and plugging the cables were heard as Mira was deep in her thoughts.

"Noona," Her little brother/cousin called, encircling his arms around her neck from behind and resting his chin on her shoulder, breaking her out of her trance. (Mira was on the couch and Hyun was tall enough to do said action) "I wanna meet Wonwon hyung!"

Since Yang Jungwon and Jeon Hyunjoo hadn't seen each other after the unexpected family dinner at the mall, it would be a lie to say that Hyun didn't miss Jungwon. She remembered the nine-year-old boy barging into her room and wishing about wanting to meet his hyung again. It made her think back to Suna's words.

When your family likes your boyfriend more than you. Maybe they did like him more than her.


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