chapter 70.

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"Thank you for coming!" The counter lady waved a little too happily for Suna's taste. He rolled his eyes in annoyance before groaning loudly. Winter was supposed to be a jolly season, yet here he was heading out late to buy medicine for his stupid cold.

Jeon Suna loved December. He loved Christmas. He loved winter. He loved the snow. But he hated that he couldn't stay outside for any longer than two hours as he would get extremely sick. It sucked. Suna couldn't stand the cold for shit, it was his weakness. Ever since he was a child he had a weak immune system and would always receive uncountable warnings from his parents, but him being the rebellious kid he was, he ignored them.

It was a yearly routine for him now, buying medicine every December. Suna was glad there was no snow this year, but it didn't make the cold any better. He could already feel his nose getting clogged and itchy, and he knew it would turn red sooner or later. His nose would mirror that of Rudolph's.

Jeon Suna shivered slightly as the cold breeze brushed against his skin. He stuffed his hands inside his coat's pockets that had heat packs inside, allowing him to warm up as he made his way back home, eager to lay down on his bed and watch TV all day. His eyes had begun to sting so he blinked them away.

He accidentally bumped shoulders with someone in the process, but Suna didn't bother looking back, only muttering a half-assed apology. The voice of his crush stopped him in his tracks though. He turned around, coming face to face with— "I-Iseul?"

Han Iseul stood before him looking as beautiful as ever. His mouth parted slightly, eyes scanning her figure dressed in a winter coat. She looks adorable what the fu— A cough interrupted, announcing another's presence. A boy who looked two or three years older was with her. She wasn't alone.

Iseul quickly introduced him, "Oh right, this is my b—"

"Boyfriend. I'm Iseul's boyfriend," The guy cut in, eyes squinting at Suna.

To say Jeon Suna's heart broke would be an understatement. It completely shattered. He froze, staring blankly at the girl he had feelings for before looking back at her claimed boyfriend. Suna was too preoccupied to realize the surprised and disbelieving expression Iseul had on.

The younger boy sniffed. Not because he was upset, but because he was letting the cold consume him.

He should have known it would end this way, but regardless he kept trying. He kept trying to get Iseul to finally stop resisting and fall for him the same way he did, but at the end of the day, Suna would always be the weed surrounded by flowers, waiting to finally be removed from the garden as another matured flower took his place.

Was this his result of not giving up? The amount of rejection he got from the same person was immaculate. And to think he was planning to try again for the last time only to have it backfire...

Suna's hands grasped the heating packs tighter, glad that the couple in front of him couldn't see his clenched fists. His expression remained blank. He sniffed once more before letting out a low hum, "It's nice to meet you, dude..." He stuck his hand out, "My name is Suna. Iseul's..." He trailed off, glancing at her for a millisecond, "...classmate."

To think he thought the relationship between them had turned over a new leaf. For the past month or so, Han Iseul hadn't been too annoyed if he asked to hang out. Instead she agreed with him much more frequently. No more excuses of her 'being busy' or 'having other plans'. They genuinely hung out.

"Suna, huh?" The man hummed.

"Can I talk to her for a minute?" Jeon Suna asked, eyes darting towards the girl who preferred to look anywhere else but him. Suna chuckled quietly, already knowing he had no chance of getting her anymore. All of his efforts went down the gutter. What a waste of his time. "It won't take too long. I swear," He added.

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