chapter 57.

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a/n; listening to Unjust Life while writing this.


"I know you guys are together, but please have mercy on me," Yunseo lazily pointed at herself before yawning.

"Sorry I guess?" Jungwon apologized unsurely. He didn't even know they were lowkey flirting but he shrugged it off, giving his attention back to Mira as he pressed the ice pack on her forehead. "Is your cheek okay?"

No answer.

Jungwon looked back to a half-asleep Yunseo, her elbows were propped on the bed and her chin was resting on her palm. The scratch on her left cheek was slowly healing but it left a mark. The girl's head fell off her hand as she snapped herself back to reality, looking like a deer caught in headlights. "You were saying?"

"Is your cheek fine?" Jungwon repeated, eyes glued to his pretend girlfriend. The redness on Mira's forehead had faded a bit and he smiled a little. It reminded him of the day they hung out at the rooftop, just a few weeks after their first meeting. That memory was both beautiful and painful (for his poor forehead that was abused by a lunch tray.)

"It still hurts but it's alright," Yunseo shrugged, rubbing her eyes as she watched the couple across from her. Strangers would not mistake the way Jungwon was staring at his girl full of adoration, and Yunseo smiled, hoping she would find someone who would look at her the way he looked at his girlfriend. "You guys are making me jealous."

It seemed that she might have spoken her thoughts out loud, accidentally shattering the atmosphere that was going on around the couple. She awkwardly coughed and looked away.

When she glanced back at them, Jungwon already had his gaze fixated somewhere else while Mira was looking down at the floor. Yunseo cleared her throat, "I'll give you both some privacy," She proceeded to shut the curtains.

Jungwon scoffed, "Thanks for the privacy."

"You're welcome."

The male put the ice pack back in its original place. He felt like his job was finished. Mira's nosebleed had stopped, and her forehead looked better than before. They could change out of their gym uniform before the bell rings if they wanted to.

Jungwon could feel Jeon Mira's eyes boring straight at him and he contemplated whether or not to turn around and reciprocate her stare, knowing it would probably fluster her. Nonetheless, he did it, surprised that she didn't look away. Yet, he was the one who broke it first, pursing his lips nervously.

Jungwon slowly walked towards her, surprised again when she didn't move from her spot. When he finally stood right in front of her, he remembered how small she would look around him. Jungwon was one of the shortest in his friend group (his friends were just too tall), and it made him feel satisfied that there was someone shorter than him.

Mira looked fragile, her features looked softer, and her scent began to linger around him. He noticed that during the game she didn't seem to sweat heavily, always looking fresh while everyone else had a messy appearance.

He remembered her scent. Their hugs, their close proximity, and even when they shared a kiss back in the school trip allowed him to. That soft sweet vanilla smell, so intoxicating yet calming at times. She always smelled like vanilla and he kind of loved that smell now. Whenever he smelled something vanilla, it automatically reminded him of her.

Jungwon hesitantly stroked her hair, afraid that Mira would slap it away again. To his luck, she let him. However, he couldn't ignore the small blush that was slowly appearing on the girl's cheeks. He ended his gesture by tugging a strand of hair behind her ear.

Mira muttered something under her breath and Jungwon raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"You... look really huggable right now," She stated, staring up at him since she still sat on the bed. She liked the reaction he gave, making a smile appear on her lips.

"Uh- how?" The boy questioned puzzledly, looking down at his appearance. Was she talking about how big the navy jacket looked on his body? His fingers were hiding under his sleeves, a habit he had ever since he was a child. He also preferred wearing oversized clothing. "Elaborate?"

"In general," Mira elucidated. "Huggable in general."

Jungwon hummed, nodding slowly at her words before stretching his arms out to the side. "Do you want to then?"

Once again, the male was surprised when Mira didn't hesitate to stand up as she wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head against his broad shoulder. Jungwon reciprocated her action whilst pulling her closer. "What's up with you today?" He whispered, chuckling.

"Nothing much," Mira whispered back. "Won?"

It was unbelievable to think that the current setting was the infirmary. They were alone, with no nurses, teachers, or students around (except Yunseo who was probably peeking through the curtains in curiosity) but other than that, Mira was reluctant to say her next words.

She pulled away slightly, enough for them to initiate eye contact. She wasn't a fan of them, but if it was with him she didn't mind. The girl opened her mouth to speak, and the words that escaped next were different than intended. "Do you plan on kissing me?" She asked upon catching his gaze on her lips.

Jungwon looked away and shook his head rapidly, but the next second he nodded. "Only if you kiss back," He mumbled.

Mira laughed before swallowing the lump in her throat, "Won, would you believe me, if I said I'm starting to like you?"

Yang Jungwon went silent for a moment and she waited patiently, heaving a soft sigh. Her head fell on his chest, listening to his fast heartbeat— and that was enough for an answer. His embrace got tighter as he allowed his head to fall on hers before he spoke, "Mhm. Because I'm starting to like you too."

The sound of someone smacking the mattress was heard as they turned to look at Choi Yunseo. Her figure was still hidden behind the curtains but they could hear her shuffling on the bed. Her silhouette was kicking and turning before it abruptly came to a stop. And then the school bell rang.

Mira was feeling rather bold today, especially after hearing his response so she quickly stood on her toes and gave the boy a quick peck on his cheek while he was still distracted. She smiled at his reaction. Jungwon resembled a frozen sheep in the middle of the road, unresponsive.

Jeon Mira pulled away from the hug and approached the door. "I'll see you in class, both of you," She greeted, looking back at the two students. One was as still as a statue while the other was peeking through the curtains. A tall figure blocked Mira's path as she opened the door. She looked up at the person, finding a familiar platinum-blonde boy.

"Is your head alright?" Park Sunghoon inquired, receiving a nod in return. "Hm, okay," He wordlessly entered the room.

Sunghoon searched for medicine, ignoring the sound of footsteps as the door closed. The sound of curtains opening and the sound of someone shuffling was heard afterward. He only turned around after finding the medicine, being met with his seatmate, Choi Yunseo.

He eyed the scratch on her cheek and frowned, turning back around. Rummaging through the cabinet once more, the blonde boy pulled out a plaster. "Use this."

"No thanks. The wound won't heal quicker if it's covered," Yunseo declined, fixing her shoes. She was about to leave the infirmary when Sunghoon pulled her back and stuck the plaster on her cheek.

"I don't care. It looks hideous," He deadpanned before leaving, heading back to class. Choi Yunseo gaped at him in disbelief and looked at herself in the mirror that was on the wall not too far away. She scoffed at the bandage he selected.

Penguins, seriously?

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