chapter 05.

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As days passed, all Mira could think of was how extremely close Aerin and Sunoo have gotten. She couldn't even talk to her best friend properly without Aerin being on the scene. It hasn't been a month yet too.

She felt like she wasn't doing much as a cupid. All she did was make them talk once, set them up twice, and now the boy took matters with his own hands, bravely communicating with her. Mira remembered the shy and nervous Kim Sunoo who was afraid to approach his crush, now he was the one making the first move.

In a way, Mira felt sort of relieved that she didn't have to play cupid anymore because she was getting tired of setting them up— or rather, witnessing them mutually sharing their affection with heart eyes.

She lightly scoffed at the thought, earning a confused reaction from Jihan. Mira gazed out the window, watching the view that showed the school's field and a couple of students from class one having physical education.

Speaking of class one, she watched Kim Sunoo running from one end of the field to the other. Their PE teacher stood at the finish line, holding a stopwatch. After Sunoo crossed the line, the boy bent down and placed his hands on his knees, taking deep breaths. Another boy approached him and pats his shoulder in reassurance.

Mira recognized it to be Yang Jungwon, judging from his sharp side profile and the small mullet at the back of his neck. He was wearing the school's gym uniform colored in navy with a hint of white.

Jungwon looked over his shoulder upon feeling someone's gaze on him. When he looked around the field, none of his classmates had their eyes on him but when he peered up at the windows, he made eye contact with Jeon Mira.

The boy didn't know what to do so he just gave her an awkward smile before jogging away.

Mira unknowingly let out a small smile at his action, finding it amusing how the confident male who stood at the auditorium stage on their first day of school in front of so many students and teachers, was acting cute right now.

Mira was so into her thoughts she didn't realize her chemistry teacher was now standing in front of her table looking at her with a deadly stare. Only did she realize after a soft smack was delivered to her head, making her let out a yelp as she glared at whoever did that.

"Mira, pay attention," The teacher growled.

The said girl looked away from the eyes of her scary aunt, Jeon Jiheon. Jiheon was her father's younger sister and she had been working in the same school for about eight years. She wasn't married yet because her job was her number one priority. Jiheon was currently thirty years old, making her one of the youngest teachers here in Daehwi.

Being one of the youngest teachers here resulted in her having a special bond with the students. They would sometimes tease or bug her for still being single and surely the woman was offended. Even acting as if she was about to fight them by pulling her sleeves up to her elbows. The students here treated Jiheon as their oldest sister.

Another soft smack was then delivered to Mira's head. "Mira," Ms. Jeon repeated, raising an eyebrow intimidatingly.

The girl reluctantly looked up at her aunt and exhaled quietly, "Yes Ms..." She trailed off. Mira could hear her classmates giggling at their interaction.

She started jotting down notes Jiheon was interpreting at the front of the class in her notebook. Not long after, she started to feel drowsy as her eyes felt heavy with each second that passed. Unable to focus anymore, she ditched her pen and laid her head down on the table.

The girl tried to keep her eyes open, even getting a nudge from her seatmate but Mira couldn't do anything else when it finally shuts, replacing her sight with darkness. She placed an arm in front of her face on the table so people wouldn't see her expression.

The rest of the period was spent with her sleeping soundly. Han Jihyo gave up on trying to keep the latter awake although it was quite fortunate they were seated at the side in the middle row so it shouldn't disrupt the class.

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