chapter 20.

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Yang Jungwon was surprised by the number of profanities that escaped his teacher's mouth. This was the first time he heard a teacher swearing this much, especially to their sibling. He never did that to his older sister and it made him wonder if Mira also swears towards her brothers.

For once, he was glad that her little cousin, Hyun, was nowhere to be seen in the living room because that would have been bad. However, it did make him wonder where the kid really was.

Mira was turning red. Both from embarrassment and a hint of anger. The way her father proudly exposed her relationship with Jungwon to Jiheon just proved that he will be telling this to their whole family sooner or later, like how he did with her older brother, Ki-ha.

She bit the inside of her bottom lip and looked away before excusing herself, heading upstairs to get her mind off of things.

Jungwon saw her reaction regarding the whole situation and it sort of made him feel guilty to have started this without thinking. All because he accidentally blurted out they were going out, which they weren't. Yet.

His feelings towards Mira were confusing him. He was sure it was the same feelings he felt when he was around Park Aerin, but there was something different about it and he couldn't pinpoint what it was.

He felt comfortable around Mira, just like how he was with Aerin a long time ago. He found himself smiling more often around Mira, the same thing happened with Aerin when they were kids. His heart was beating fast whenever Mira initiated eye contact, the same way it would beat when Aerin did the same thing. Despite how similar their descriptions were, it was oddly different.

Maybe his thoughts were correct. Jungwon only thought of Aerin as his sister (which he realized just recently) and only liked the idea of being with her.

He was snapped back into reality when Mr. Jeon started speaking, "Jungwon, where's Mira?"

"She went upstairs."

"Can you go get her?" He continued. It appeared that their sibling fight came to a stop and he was glad no more insults and profanities will be thrown here and there.

With their permission, Jungwon jogged up the stairs and entered the second floor where he was met with a hallway that has five doors, three on his left and two on his right. He wasn't sure where to go — he was afraid he might accidentally open the wrong room — but saw Hyun dancing weirdly in front of a door.

"What are you doing?" Jungwon blinked as he raised an eyebrow.

"I need to pee but noona is taking too long!" Hyun whined and continued holding in his bladder while cupping his... area through his pants.

At the same time, a flush can be heard and the sound of a door unlocking before it swung open. Mira didn't have enough time to react when Hyunjoo shoved her out of the way, unzipped his pants and—

"Do you need anything?" The girl shut the bathroom door closed making Jungwon avert his gaze back from the door to her face. He nodded.

"Your dad is calling for you but before that I wanted to ask, are you okay?" The boy questioned, his eyes held an emotion Mira failed to decipher so she nodded once, a tight smile forming on her lips.

"Yeah. Let's go downsta—"

"Mira," Jungwon's deep voice halted her in her steps and it caught her off guard from the sudden change.

"I'm fine, Won. I'll just have to get used to it right? It's no big deal," She responded, heading back downstairs leaving him pondering in his thoughts alone.

The door beside him opened again and Hyunjoo came out heaving a satisfied sigh as he buttoned his pants after zipping them. He met eyes with Jungwon and smiled widely, "Hyung, can you help carry me up? I can't reach the sink, hehe."


"Honestly, I never expected you to start dating."

As if a lightbulb appeared above his head, he smirked and chuckled mischievously, "Oh, I get it. You feel jealous that Ki-ha has a girlfriend and Suna is currently chasing a girl he likes so you want to experience that too, hm?" He stroked his non-existent beard.

Mira's eye twitched in annoyance. So the reason she was called downstairs was to only get teased by her father about the unexpected relationship she got herself into? If she knew this would happen she would've just stayed in the bathroom.

The girl was about to angrily make her way towards her father when she was held back by an arm slithering its way around her waist.

"Calm down. Like I said, he wants to feel closer and have a friendship bond with you," The person whispered and it was obvious who the voice belonged to. Holding her back wasn't difficult considering he was just standing in one spot while the girl was struggling to escape his grip.

"Let go of me," She spoke, attempting to untangle his fingers that were intertwined on her stomach but to no avail. "Yang Jungwon!"

"Aww, look at you lovebirds hugging each other. Stay still, I need to get this on camera," Mr. Jeon pulled out his phone from between the couch's cushions and held the device up. "You're doing great, sweetie."

"Dad, no!"

Jungwon quietly laughed at the father-daughter interaction finding it adorable and amusing. Mira's family was something else and he enjoyed his time here. They were kind people and super fun to talk to, even more since he had gotten closer with the man in a short amount of time and felt welcomed in the household.

He wondered what more memories he would make if he spends more time with this family.

The faint sound of keys jiggling could be heard before the front door slammed open. A wild Jeon Suna entered the house panting as he rested one hand on his knee and the other was still holding onto the door handle, taking deep breaths.

The boy threw his bag on the floor before slouching on the armchair situated across the couch, leaning his back against it.

"Hello senior Jungwon," He spoke, raising a hand as a greeting before closing his eyes and getting cozy in his spot. He instantly opened them back after realizing the situation and gasped dramatically, "Oh my eyes- WHY ARE YOU HERE AND HUGGING MY SISTER??"

a/n; surprise update because I'm not ready for mix & max tonight HELP.

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