chapter 50.

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Mira sipped on her beverage with the provided straw, her eyes not leaving the boy who was seated across from her as he gave her an apologetic smile for the event currently happening.

"I wasn't informed that my son was your daughter's boyfriend, Mrs. Jeon," Mrs. Yang spoke, her head tilted to the side as she had her eyebrows raised skeptically. "In fact, I didn't even know Jungwon was seeing someone."

Jihye choked on her orange juice at the information, not believing her ears as she turned to look at her brother in disbelief. She scanned the table, everyone's expressions were calm and collected. Was she the only one who didn't know about her almost-18-year-old brother's relationship? Why did she have to visit the restroom at the wrong time when the announcement took place?

Jungwon and Mira didn't expect their families to have dinner together as a first meeting. It all happened too suddenly when her mother called out for her in front of the store and not even ten seconds later, Jungwon's mother arrived holding two shopping bags. The latter proceeded to invite them for dinner, not accepting a decline. She claimed to want to have a short talk with Mira's mother.

Mrs. Jeon smiled gently despite sensing the tense atmosphere, "I'm sure Jungwon was too shy to tell you, Mrs. Yang. Kids nowadays are like that, but I have to say he and Mira bond pretty well. They're very sweet towards each other." It was no doubt her mother was referring to the night Jungwon comforted Mira during a thunderstorm.

Mrs. Yang shifted her gaze towards Mira who bowed her head in respect. The woman dressed in yellow hummed shortly before looking back at Mrs. Jeon. "He did tell me about a Jeon Mira before. Did he stay over at your house then?"

"He did. It was raining pretty heavily," Her mother ensured, nodding her head. She intertwined her hands over the table, initiating eye-to-eye contact with the other mother. "I'm sorry if he had to inform you so suddenly. You must be worried."

Jungwon's mother shook her head while waving a hand back and forth. Her intimidating aura slowly dissipated. "I was, but I should be the one apologizing. I was afraid Jungwon would be a bother to you because of his unexpected visit. Thank you for your hospitality though, I appreciate it."

Jeon Mira heaved out a quiet sigh, so quiet only she was able to hear it. She scanned the people around the table, her eyes stopping at a beautiful female who sat beside Jungwon. It was evident she was his older sister judging from their similar features.

Yang Jihye had on simple skin make-up and she didn't even draw her eyebrows. Her innocent vibe and distinct facial features created a unique charm that caught her attention. She was beautiful, no lie. Attractiveness must run through the whole Yang family. If Mira had met his sister first, she would fall for her visuals.

"Hello..." The younger girl softly greeted, bowing her head slightly when they made eye contact. She didn't want the awkwardness to continue so she started a conversation. "You're Jungwon's older sister, right?"

Yang Jihye smiled, placing her drink on the table. "Yep. You can call me Jihye. It's nice to meet you. I never knew you were my brother's girlfriend though. He never told us anything about his love life," She explained, side-eyeing Jungwon who was looking away, rosy cheeks on display. "How long have you two been together?"

"Uh, two and a half months?" Mira answered, remembering the exact date of their agreement. Today would also mark four months since they officially became friends after five years of only greeting each other in the hallways.

Jihye choked on her chicken. "Two months?!"

"Two and a half," Jungwon corrected.

"That's basically three months! You've been together for that long and I just knew about it— unbelievable," The older girl shook her head in disappointment.

A waiter came by with a tray full of food as he placed them on the table and two different dishes were presented. Jungwon's mother had ordered a variety of food and the rest was still pending. Jihye half stood up from her seat as she grabbed one of the dishes from the center, moving it to her side of the table. "Help yourself, Mira. This is my favorite."


How did this happen?

And why did it happen so quickly?

Jungwon watched as his older sister and girlfriend laughed at the littlest things. The way they got along very well almost seemed as if they were long-lost best friends despite the two-year age gap. Jihye even abandoned the seat next to him so she could be next to Mira across from him.

He knew Mira was an expert at making friends judging from how she befriended almost the whole school adding her extroverted self and nature if she finds someone interesting to comfortably strike a conversation with. Jungwon even caught them clicking a photo together and he wasn't sure what to feel about it.

One thing he was sure of was that he felt envious. Yang Jungwon didn't have a picture of him and Mira together on his phone (unless bracelet pictures count) even though he knew the girl way longer than his sister ever did. Jihye got it within a snap of a finger.

The male's phone buzzed and he took it out to see a notification from Instagram. Clicking on it brought him to his sister's account as it showed a story of Jihye and Mira in one frame, smiling happily. Jungwon dismissed the existence of his sister as he had his eyes glued to the other brunette. Mira's username was situated at the bottom and he clicked on it, being taken to her Instagram page.

They weren't mutuals yet, which explained why he was unable to view her thirteen posts as her account was set to private.

When the heck did Ni-ki and her become mutuals though? Jungwon frowned. Not only him, but almost all of his close friends were mutuals with Jeon Mira. Lee Heeseung, Kim Sunoo (obviously), and Shim Jake included.

The dimpled boy contemplated whether or not to click the blue follow button but went against the idea.

Yang Jungwon may be a coward when it comes to following her on social media, but he wasn't one when it comes to real life. The mere sight of his older sister and Mira enjoying themselves made him feel left out. He wanted to spend time with the latter too, but Jihye was preventing him from doing so.

The sound of a chair screeching against the floor beside him made him turn his head. Jeon Hyunjoo occupied the seat next to him, replacing Jihye, and he grinned up at Jungwon. "Hyung, please help me with something."

Jungwon couldn't possibly reject his request so he smiled and nodded his head.

"Can you accompany me to the toilet? My hands are dirty," Hyun raised both hands, a cheeky smile on display.

a/n; do vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter, I'll appreciate it <3

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