chapter 23.

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a/n; yang jungwon has the prettiest eyes.


The voice of the conductor from the loudspeakers combined with the excited exclamations from his classmates made Jungwon shuffle in his seat as he barely opened his eyes. A call of his name made him turn to look at the source only to find one of his friends, Ni-ki, informing him that they will be arriving in less than five minutes.

"Wake up, open your eyes now. You should wake your girlfriend up too," He said.

Jungwon would have fully woken up if it wasn't for the fact Ni-ki had said the word girlfriend out of the blue. He was perplexed for a moment until he realized the position he unknowingly set himself into.

Jungwon shot up out of panic and his movement startled the sleeping girl as she muttered incoherent sentences under her breath while fixing her posture, leaning against the window on the other side.

Jungwon rubbed his eyes to get rid of the blur while sending a snickering Ni-ki a glare before facing front and seeing Aerin and Sunoo fast asleep. The only difference from before was that they were now leaning on each other — his head on her shoulder and hers on his head.

Jungwon tapped Sunoo's knee a couple of times until the pink-haired boy finally aroused, telling him about their arrival as Sunoo lazily nodded his head before slowly sitting straight, not knowing he had been sleeping on Aerin's shoulder.

Jungwon averted his gaze from them towards the napping girl beside him. Eyes still closed and her expression was peaceful, not caring about the screaming classmates around them.

At the same time, he heard Mr. Hong's voice telling everyone to prepare themselves for departure.

The dimpled boy tapped Mira's shoulder in an attempt to wake her up but to no avail. He started shaking her body back and forth gently, calling her name once in a while but still, to no avail. Jungwon sighed and watched his schoolmates standing up from their seats, already walking towards the exit.

Another fact he learned about Jeon Mira today: she was a deep sleeper.

Yang Jungwon shifted closer and was about to shake her awake again but got distracted. He knew it wasn't the right time to analyze her features when they were supposed to leave but something stopped him. He took a closer look at her face and noticed the small light specks on her cheeks. There wasn't a lot, but it was there.

"Mi," A nudge on her shoulder, "Mira. Jeon Mira," He repeated his actions. "Wake up."

The said girl finally let out a low hum, opening her eyes a little to take a look at her surroundings. "Are we here yet?" She lazily murmured, barely awake.

"Yeah. Let's go so we won't be left out," Jungwon stood up from his seat and placed his bag over his shoulder, waiting for Mira to follow suit as she stood up from her spot. Only a few students were left on the train including them.

"I'm still sleepy," She yawned and Jungwon only hummed in response as he watched her eyes beginning to droop. At this point, he was sure the girl was going to doze off standing up so he took her wrist and walked towards the exit.

"You can resume napping on the bus. We're going to check in the place we're staying after this," He informed and Mira nodded her head lazily. Upfront, he spotted the supervisors telling the students to gather around.

Jungwon joined the crowd and felt Mira resting her temple on his back as he listened intently to what Mr. Hong was saying to ensure he wouldn't skip anything. When the bus arrived, he lightly squeezed the girl's wrist before entering the vehicle.

Jungwon sat down on a random seat and made Mira sit next to him before letting her head fall on his broad shoulder. The least he could do was repay her for letting him use hers.


A hanok. The place where students will be staying for the next five days. The traditional house was massive and was made with pine wood, enough for all the girls and boys to abide.

The hanok had eight available rooms and each room was spacious it could probably fit around fifteen people. They were divided into two, four for boys and four for girls, located on either side of the house. There was a lobby area situated in the middle and a brightly lit hallway leading towards the rooms.

The rooms weren't anything special. It was plain with large windows and a low table with cushions stacked in the corner. The air was pretty cool so it made sense no air conditioner was provided as it will get pretty chilly at night.

Just as Mira expected, mattresses were laid out accordingly in each room and she selected the bed at the center. Most girls had rushed to choose their desired bed swiftly so she had no other option but to go with the leftovers. It's not like she cared anyway.

"Girls, you know what's fun about a school trip?" The blonde girl Mira recognized earlier spoke. The students were given an hour break to rest and get comfortable, leaving their luggage at the guesthouse before continuing their activities. "Playing games. But you know what's even more fun?"

From the corner of her eye, Mira saw Cheram sighing tiredly as her friend, Kang Yubin, patted her back in assurance. Aerin was also nearby since her bed was only a mattress away from Mira's.

"Boys?" One of her friends retorted and the blonde-haired girl nodded, smirking mischievously.

"You're not thinking what I'm thinking are you?" Choi Yunseo, the pretty girl from earlier spoke, her eyes glaring straight at the blonde. Mira wondered why she keeps delivering death glares. It's not like they have some sort of beef going on, right?

"Hm? I'm pretty sure you're thinking what I'm thinking," She proudly spoke. "Playing games with the boys in their room!"

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