chapter 13.

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Jeon Mira closed her locker door after getting her necessary items but was surprised when someone had been standing beside her on the other side all along. Instinctively, she whacked the person with her weapon, aka her math book, like how Rapunzel whacked Flynn Rider with her frying pan.

"Oh— you scared me," She stated, watching Jungwon rubbing his head on the spot she hit. "It was self defense," She excused. "And also what did you do to my hair? Everyone was laughing at me saying it was cute. Even the math teacher, Mrs. Nam, was laughing. She never laughed!"

"What do you mean?"

"The small sprout on my head? Jihan said she saw you make it," Mira raised an eyebrow.

"Oh that... I did actually. Do you hate it though? I thought it was pretty cute," He commented and shrugged. "I think I did a great job making that."

The girl had the word 'why?' written all over her face as she stared at the boy in utter disbelief. He looked so proud of the small work he did and it made her softly sigh, not wanting to ruin the small victory he has going on inside his head. Unknowingly she smiled.

"Anyway, I wanted to ask you if you'll join the—" Jungwon started just to be interrupted by his best pal, Park Jay from year three, who came by and slung an arm around his shoulder.

"hey Jung-one!" He greeted happily, a wide grin plastered on his face. "The boys and I are planning to go to Heeseung hyung's house. Wanna come?" He asked. Jay bowed his head when he noticed Mira's presence and the girl followed his action to pay respect to her senior. Though, she was surprised when she heard the name Heeseung.

Yang Jungwon shook his head with a smile, "Not today. I have something to do."

"Awh, okay. Just text me if you change your mind, alright? Bye guys!" He waved to both of them while he walked away and Jungwon waved back in return. As soon as Jay was out of sight, the boy turned back to look at Mira and tried to speak again.

"As I was saying, will you join the—" He continued but was interrupted again. This time Mira's classmates were passing by to bid the girl goodbye.

"Bye Mira! See you on Monday!" One of the girls exclaimed, her three friends following her action and bidding goodbye as well. Jeon Mira gave them a smile in return while waving back, "You too, see you on Monday!"

After they left, Mira turned back to look at Jungwon who was patiently waiting for their interaction to end. When he was sure no one would interrupt them after looking in the hallway both ways, he again, tried to speak.

"Are you joi—" He then got interrupted again by their chemistry teacher, Ms. Jeon Jiheon, Mira's aunt. Jungwon sighed and internally made a scene whereas he aggressively punched the lockers with his fist to let out his frustration of not being able to ask what he wanted to ask without being interrupted the next second.

"Mira!" Her aunt exclaimed, leaving the teacher's room as she walked towards them with a grin, "I'll be having dinner at your house tonight. I told your father already," She informed, "I can't wait to hang out with your mom!"

Mira smiled and nodded, watching her aunt happily leaving the school premises with a skip.

"Basically," Jungwon started again. "I wanted to ask you if you'll join the—"

"Yoooo ugly!" Another voice called out and the girl rolled her eyes knowing who the voice belonged to. She doesn't even need to look at the person to know it was her younger brother, Jeon Suna, who was only a year younger than her, jogging towards her. Explained why he was talking informally.

"What do you want, stupid?"

"Do me a favor and tell mom I'll be going home late, yeah?" He winked and Jungwon swore he saw Mira gagging from the action. The girl refused, "No, tell her that yourself."

"But I left my phone at home!" Suna cried out, pressing his hands together. What kind of dumb idiot would leave their phone at home? Only Suna could relate. "Please tell mom for me. I'll do anything."

"Anything?" Mira repeated, a smirk forming.

"Yes, anything! I'll even clean the bathroom this week even though it's your turn!" He continued to plea. He wanted his sister to cover for him because he needed to go somewhere after school. It's really important for him. "Tell her I'm studying in the library or something."

"You expect her to believe you being there for the third time this week when you got a low score on your previous test?" Mira pursed her lips, a short laugh slipping through. "I'll cover for you if you admit that you're actually hanging out with Han Iseul. Be honest."

Hearing this, Suna gulped. "I-Iseul? pftt, I'm not. You know how she acts around me so w-why would she want to hang out with m-me?" He excused but knowing his sister, she wouldn't fall for it. If he won't admit it, she won't be helping him. "Okay fine! But I'm really not hanging out with her, I'm just trying to get her to like me."

"When will you give up? She pretty much said she doesn't like you back. You know you can't force someone to like you, right?" She softly reminded, earning a pout from the younger boy. "I know that. I'm just hoping she would change her mind soon."

"...I'll tell mom for you, but make sure to clean the bathroom tomorrow," Mira sighed, giving in. "Good luck."

"Yes Ma'am!!" He beamed and hugged his sister out of the blue, which startled her, before running away in the opposite direction to find Han Iseul and probably disturb her for the thousandth time.

"Come back before dinner!" She shouted after him.

Jeon Suna had confessed a lot of times to Iseul but was rejected in all of them. Mira got to know from all the rumors flying around. Suna had liked her ever since he stepped foot inside the school and didn't show any signs of giving up. It looked like he wasn't going to stop any time soon. He was so determined to get his crush to like him back that it reminded Mira of her older brother.

The girl mumbled something under her breath before turning around to leave only to be met with Yang Jungwon who had been standing there the whole time. She forgot he was still here.

"Oh right— what were you saying again?"

a/n; your votes and comments are very much appreciated!

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