Chapter 1

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I was in the woods, walking deeper and deeper into it. Leaves crunched as I walked on them, my footsteps were loud and they echoed throughout the forest. I reached a certain tree, it had a dark red flower emblem on its bark. It was somehow alluring me towards it. Attracting me to touch it, I raised my hand towards it, just hovering above it, when my finger made contact with it, my hand heated up, I jerked away from the tree by instinct. I walked away from it, and started my path around the forest again. But soon, I found myself back on the same tree. I found something that I did not notice the first time. Just beside the emblem, a small circle was popped up, like a doorknob. I was about to get it open when a hand blocked it and pushed me away from the tree. A man dressed in red robes with black lining stood in front of the tree, covering the emblem from my view.


I woke up from my dream, I was about to sit up when pain overtook my upper body. Of course it would hurt, I was attacked by a wolf. I was back in my room, my only friends sitting on either side of my bed.

"Oh, you're awake," Liana smiled.

I looked at a piece of Skittle on my bed, I pushed it away and it landed on the floor.

"My poor Skittle!" Brody exclaimed, still digging in his pack of Skittles.

I rolled my eyes, "Don't spill those in here!" I reached out to grab some Skittles from him, but he blocked my hand.

"I would share, but you kicked my chin while you were sleeping."

"I wasn't conscious!"

"Still!" He pouted. "BTW, did you hear about how there will more choices of food because of new members?"

"BTW?" I echoed.

"It means by the way, don't you humans use those shortcuts for texts? I mean you were really shy so I doubt you even have a phone-"

Charlotte nudged him hard before he could continue.

"I know what it means, it's just weird having you say it."

Before we could say anything else, the door slowly creaked open, revealing a worried-looking Caine.

He goes to ignore me for weeks and now he comes to see me?

He was surprised when he saw that I was awake, but quickly recovers and masks his face from emotions again. He left without saying another word. My wolf was whining in my head, about how he just ignored us, even when he came to check on us.


The rest of the day went on as usual, during the night I went to my creamy-themed bedroom. I shared the room with Trix, my first werewolf friend, from when we were just captured. I laid on my bed and lost track of time, it felt like forever. I couldn't sleep for hours, so I decided to take a walk.

I quietly opened the door, so that I wouldn't wake Trix or anyone else from the neighboring rooms, or even the ones down the hallway as werewolves have sensitive ears.

You look as if you're about to escape prison, my wolf commented inside my head.

I mentally smacked my hand on my forehead, not the point. I just don't want to disturb others' sleep just because I couldn't sleep.

I went towards the door leading towards the forest. I debated whether or not to go on, since going into the forest at night sounds pretty risky to me.

Let me out to run!

No. I can't risk having you in control because you always lose track of direction.

I walked around the forest, making sure not to walk too far from the pack house. I wasn't able to have my 'clearing my mind for a few minutes' moment though, because the border patrol says it's dangerous to roam around at midnight. So I just went back in and stared at the ceiling. The image of the tree bark with the red flower emblem kept going back to my mind, but nonetheless, I was able to sleep out of tiredness.


I was back in the same place I was in during my dream had ended the last night, but this time, the man in red robes with black lining allowed me to take a closer look at the tree bark. When I tried opening the little hole the emblem was covering, the man stopped me from doing it. He simply shook his head and said, "You'll know when the time comes."

Strange. Why is this man acting all mysterious all of a sudden?

He smiled at my reaction, obviously not wanting to give his identity or his motive away. For the next few minutes, he allowed me to wander around the woods, that was when I found myself in the same lake where I was attacked by some sort of monster when I had fallen from the window. So this place was in the pack's territory...


I was awoken by Trix's alarm clock, she had pack work to do, as usual, but the new pack members didn't have work yet since they were still arranging it. Trix was trying to tame her messy hair by the mirror. I groaned and flipped myself on my other side. It was way too early to get up.

This is exactly why you can't get an early job or else you're doomed.

Correction, we're doomed.


Once Trix was out of the room, I tried to get back to sleep so that I could enjoy these moments when I can actually oversleep since I still didn't have something to do in the pack. Well, for now. When I still couldn't sleep, I just went on to my daily routine, once I was done eating breakfast and helping the maids in the kitchen wash dishes, I went out for a walk.

The pack grounds were filled with children, they were playing around and it was very lively. Parents rushed around, chasing their kids. I didn't walk too far away, but I already found a glimpse of the same tree just a few yards away.

My Cursed AlphaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz