Chapter 16

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I looked around, there were trees and different sorts of plants, branches, and logs everywhere.

That was all I could see.

Snowy approached Hecate as she tried to figure out where she should spend the night at. She was exiled to a secluded area, an area almost no one visits or lives in. There were no houses, no shelter, no food, nothing.

It was a cold night, Hecate shivered while Snowy started bobbing his snout on the logs, trying to make Hecate get his point. He wanted her to make fire before she would catch a cold.

Hecate finally understood his meaning and started rubbing the wood together, but obviously, she grew tired of it and flicked her wrist, sending a burst of flames on the logs.

Luckily, she extinguished the fire quickly, since the element of water was her forte. She started chanting a spell to form a smaller fire, just enough to warm her and Snowy up. Snowy nuzzled his snout on her palm, and she smiled.

Even though Hecate was now a black witch, her love for the fox was still the same. Being a black witch didn't mean you would have no emotions, her face would just show no emotion. She pulled Snowy into her arms to warm him up.

The memory flashed, just like how it did the first time I was in his dream.

There were trees, tons of trees around Hecate and Snowy. There was a pond at their side, Hecate smiled at Snowy and flicked her hand, making the water do tricks as a fountain would. A spray of water went straight to Snowy's snout and he wiggled his nose as Hecate laughed softly, her voice sounded like little bells jingling.

They were both peacefully playing with water until there was a shadow of a large figure. A shadow of a huge wolf.

There, stepping out of the trees around them, was a huge grayish-black wolf. The wolf looked a lot like Caine's but larger. There were three other wolves who were behind the larger one, they all looked similar but smaller than the largest wolf.

Hecate and Snowy were too busy playing with each other to notice the largest wolf advancing on them from behind.

The three smaller wolves stayed behind, watching the larger wolf suddenly leap on Hecate. She screamed when claws came in contact with her face, through reflex, she flicked her fingers and a huge wave of water formed a tsunami which chased the wolf away. The wolf nodded towards the other wolf's direction, together, the three wolves attacked Hecate, but were also chased away by a deadly amount of water.

Suddenly, I heard Hecate's thoughts in my mind. Snowy's mind.

'I don't think I ever did anything to anger a wolf as much as to attack me from behind. I honestly think that that wolf is a coward, attacking me from behind when he can ask for a fair fight.'

Snowy bobbed his head up and down to show that he agreed with her.

The memory flashed.

This time, they were hiking to the top of a mountain. It was snowing, each time a snowflake fell on Snowy's snout, he'd sneeze and Hecate would give him a small smile.

After a few minutes, they reached the top of the mountain. There were heaps of snow all over the mountain cap, Hecate happily laid on the snow, enjoying its fluffiness. Snowy did the same, but got bored of it and laid on top of Hecate's head instead.

Hecate giggled and pulled Snowy to her chest, allowing him to nuzzle his snout on her neck. A few moments later, the same wolf appeared, but this time, it didn't wait or hesitate to attack. It just pushed Hecate off of the mountain since she was at the edge. Snowy was the more alert one of the pair and immediately summoned a soft landing for them, making heaps of snow appear on their landing. He was white for a reason after all.

The wolf was watching them from above the mountain, and when it saw that Hecate landed safely down below, it retreated, running in the opposite direction.

I could hear Snowy's thoughts, and they weren't good.

The memory flashed, but this time, we were at a place I had saw before. At a place I had been to, too.

Hecate and Snowy were bathing in the Pond of Dreams, well, not really bathing, they were swimming.

Snowy obviously didn't know how to swim, so he stayed at the shallow part of the pond, throwing all the water lilies at Hecate as if it were trash.

I had guessed that the wolf would be here again, just like it were before. I knew that the wolf would try drowning Hecate now, the dream was so similar to what Caine had told me.

Snowy and Hecate both swam and splashed water at each other, I was watching them have fun until I spotted a flash of grayish-black fur near a white cherry blossom tree.

The wolf was here, and, if I can remember correctly, it was going to try drowning Hecate. The wolf, this time, was waiting for the perfect time to strike, unlike how he tried killing Hecate the past two ways.

When Hecate was most distracted, the wolf, who I assumed was Caine's father, attacked, stepping on top of her head to make sure she couldn't get up from the water. Once the struggles stopped, the wolf clawed on Hecate's throat thrice, just to make sure she was killed. Snowy was still paralyzed on top of a rock, not being able to move at what he had witnessed.

His eyes wandered from the wolf to Hecate, whose blood was now all over the waters. His eyes widened and he ran away, I couldn't see what happened next to Hecate since I could only see from Snowy's eyes, but when Snowy turned back, the wolf was gone and the blood on the water was going back to Hecate's body, as if reviving her.

I could feel what Snowy was feeling, he was feeling guilt. Guilt for not being able to protect his owner, so he ran away.

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