Chapter 19

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"My feet are dying!!"

"You asked for it. If Caine was here, he'd probably give you a piggyback ride," Marshmallow snickered. "But I won't you probably weigh 200 kilograms."

My mouth went open. "Me? I'm literally underweight! Plus that's just what men say when they are too weak to carry a girl."

It was his turn to glare at me.

"I'm not weak! I can carry something thrice your weight."

"Ok, you can carry me there then," I said sweetly. "Or we could take a break, we've been walking for hours!"

"We've taken more than 4 breaks already, we'll never reach our destination if you keep taking breaks. And we're almost there by the way."

"How much more," I whined as we walked through the path.

We were currently in a forest filled with very think trees, there was barely any sunlight. I accidentally tripped on a twig and he caught me before I fell face-first on the floor.

"Clumsy," he muttered. "If I wasn't here, you would've been smudged with mud already."

"Whatever," I mumbled. My black combat boots were smudged with mud and were completely ruined, but it's fine, at least I brought some extra clothes, boots, food, and water in my backpack. We haven't eaten anything since we made sure to eat a lot before leaving, plus we were saving the food for when we are starving.

I lazily walked forward until I found this sign:

I lazily walked forward until I found this sign:

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I started jumping around.

"We're here, we're here, we're here!" I squealed happily. To any other person, I would have looked like a crazy person, but Marshmallow just grinned at me.

"So, um, where exactly is her tomb?" I asked warily, staring at the rows and rows of tombs.

"Uhm, that's the hard part. I don't know where it is, I just know it's beside her mother's tomb."

"Is it at least in alphabetical order?"

"Uh, wait, let me check," he glanced around the cemetery. "It's in random order, or probably the date of when they died."

"We're screwed."

"Unless we start early," he gave me a small smile.


I was panting and sweating, we had finally found Hecate's tomb after hours of searching. There weren't a lot of tombs in the cemetery, but some of the tombs were camouflaged or spelled so that people couldn't find it easily. The evening had already fallen, and we probably don't have any more energy to fight the said 'monster' summoned by Marshmallow to protect the stuff in the tomb.

"Time out," Marshies said. "I'm definitely not going to fight a freaking monster when I'm this tired, it'll kill me the first second!"

"No, it will smash me in a second, I'm pretty much defenseless."

"Sad, let's rest for now then," Marshies said with a grin. "I'm really tired right now."

But while trying to lay down near Hecate's tomb, he accidentally bumped into some of the soil around it.

A deafening roar sounded from underneath the earth. Both of us started backing away from the tomb, but the damage was done. The beasts were unleashed.

Two horrendous-looking beasts got up from the soil, nearly destroying Hecate's tomb.

"I didn't know I made such ugly-looking creatures," Marshmallow chuckled nervously.

"Uh, yeah," I laughed without humor, trying to lighten up the clouding atmosphere.

Seriously, he was right. I kind of wish we got back up now.

We heard a ruffle of bushes behind us. We both turned around, thinking it was another monster, oh please, not another one.

I was wrong.

Walking out of the bushes was a very angry-looking Caine.



"Uhh hi," I said, trying to cover the scene that Marshmallow was facing. "Wassup?"

"What's up? What's up?! What do you mean what's up? You came here all by yourself and are pretty much putting your life in danger and you're asking me what's up?"

"Erm, the situation's not as bad as you think."

He sighed. "At least you didn't lie in your letter and put some rubbish like, 'I'm going on a picnic with my beloved fox in a cemetery 'cause that's just a cool thing to try' or something."

I'll admit that lying had crossed my mind a couple of times, but I guess I'm glad I didn't or I'd probably get beaten up by both Caine and the two monsters.

"Eeeeee," I heard Marshmallow squeak. I turned around to see Marshmallow stepping all over the monster's head.

"This is a super fun sport, you should try it sometime," he told me with a grin.

"Right, it's a fun sport if you're good at fighting. If I ever try it, I'd probably get eaten," I muttered.

"Yuck! Does this thing even brush its teeth?" Marshmallow screeched.

I nearly face-palmed.

The other beast distracted Marshmallow while the other lunged at me. I guess my luck wasn't so good after all.

I dodged its huge slimy brown tail by gliding aside but forgot about Caine behind me. Its slimy tail's tip smacked Caine straight in the face.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to, it was reflex-"

"It's fine, at least it wasn't you," he growled lowly.

My wolf suddenly started clawing at the edge of my mind, trying her best to make me shift. A soft growl erupted from my throat.

"Uh oh, don't shift, " Caine immediately said.

"I-I- I can't contro-," and that was when pain erupted all over my body. My wolf was still on edge, still trying to shift even though it hurt so bad. Let me rephrase, it hurt so bad for me, I don't know about her.

My eyes widened when white fur started replacing my skin. It felt like my skin was being ripped off, blood started dripping all over the fur, making the white fur turn into a scarlet red.

My nose started growing backward, turning darker every time it inched back. A wet black snout replaced my nose and I had a nose-bleed, or maybe a snout-bleed.

I felt my teeth turn into canines, I opened my mouth wide before my now razor-sharp teeth bit on the inside of my mouth, or probably wreck my tongue for life.

My nails started growing sharper until they turned into claws. My hands started compressing until they turned into paws.

Then my bones cracked, letting me fully shift into my wolf.

If that was how hard it was to shift into a wolf, I'll never do it again.

"First shifting that's actually not the first shift for a wolf," Marshmallow whispered. "I can't unsee it."

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