Chapter 31

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I scrunched my face up in confusion

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I scrunched my face up in confusion.

"So you mean, you all don't speak because of how monstrous your voice sounds?"

He nodded. "We scared a lot of people by using our voice. We just wanted company... and friends," he said in his rusty voice. "And it's hard to get that with all this," he gestured towards his furry form. "And our voice."

I nodded, knowing what he meant.

"By the way, do all of you have names? I don't really know what to call you now. I keep referring to all of you as "beastie"."

He gave me a furry half-smile. "We all have names, at least, most of us do. We got names from people who lived with us before and took us in as pets."

"I named him Oreo!" The girl named Anna exclaimed. "Because he has black fur and some white patches of fur on some parts. It's what sets him apart from the rest."

Oreo just nodded his head, seeming to be in a daze.

"Anyways, if you're done eating, I'll show you your room," Anna said with a smile. "By the way Oreo, your room's the one in mine, as always."

I followed Anna through the narrow hallway and was surprised that there were more rooms than I thought would fit.

She opened one of the wooden doors and then let me in.

The room had a cozy warm vibe on it. There were leaves on baskets hovering above the bed, which really matched the theme in the house.

The bed looked very comfortable, it had multiple pillows of different sizes, varying from the colors white, brown, and light brown. The sheets and blankets also had a warm color. The sheets had a white color, while a blanket was randomly placed on top of it. The blanket, unlike the sheets, was decorated with horizontal designs of colors from brown to white.

There was a brown bench right in front of the bed, and there was a basket filled with purple leaves on top of it.

To the bed's left was a woven chair with stacks of books on top of it, while to the bed's right was a balcony, but all you could really see through the glass were leaves. It was camouflaged so that no one from the outside would see there was anything in there.

"So? How is it?" Anna asked as she watched me gawk at the room.

"It's great."

She smiled. "Oreo helped me on the camouflaging part since I couldn't really balance on a branch. If you want to see the outside just move the leaves, just make sure it doesn't fall off. It's just attached to a branch, not growing on it or anything."

"You and Oreo seem to know each other very well."

"Yeah... we met when he was still a pup. I took him in. He was really adorable, he looked like a wolf pup before. My parents didn't approve, but I still kept him. Blair and I took care of him. When we were finally teenagers, we built this treehouse with Oreo. We went here each time we wanted a time out from our lives. Until the hunters took Oreo away. They were horrible. They just took him and left. I didn't know what happened but he escaped after a couple of months," her voice lost its usual perkiness as she spoke the last parts.


That was probably why they had some faded scars when you look deeper across their fur.

"Well, I should probably get going," she said, leaving the room and closing the door with a loud thud.

Did I say something that upset her?


The whole house was shaking.

No, the tree was shaking.

Was this normal? Does this always happen?

No, they probably would've warned me if this always happened.

I sat up from my bed but fell back when the tree shook harder. Was there an earthquake?

When the shaking got harder, I stood up and ran towards the living room. Anna, Blair, and Oreo were staring at the window, seeming to not care about the mess the shaking had made.

They were too focused on staring down.

Blair seemed to notice my presence and turned back, her ponytail swinging along with her.

She seemed to be the calmest about the situation. Anna seemed to be freaking out, while Oreo just said nothing.

"You should probably see this," Blair said as she watched me with wary eyes. "Just try not to get seen, I'll go get something."

She rushed away, and I looked towards the window and saw what they were all staring at.

It was a Lycan, and it looked strangely similar to Caine's wolf. It had gray fur with a small patch of white fur on its ears. It even had the same eyes. Electrifying blue eyes.

Caine's wolf had gray fur with a white coat, which was the opposite of mine. Mine had white fur with a gray coat.

To put the cherry on top, the lycan seemed to be looking for something, or someone.

But, what I don't get is, that Caine was a wolf, not a lycan, so who could this Lycan possibly be looking for?

Blair suddenly came rushing back, with an old-fashioned perfume bottle in hand.

Why would she need perfume at a time like this?

She started squeezing the atomizer, then spraying it all over me, then the rest of them.

She took in my confused expression and said, "The perfume's a scent masker. It'll mask our scent for a couple of hours, we'll just need it for a while, until that... lycan gets out of our way," she glanced at my direction nervously before turning back to watching the window, making sure the Lycan couldn't see her.

"So... um, the lycan's the reason why the whole ground is shaking?" I asked.

"Not really," Anna responded. "He just keeps stomping and punching random trees. The force is making the whole house shake," she glanced in Blair's direction and mumbled, "I told you we should've made the foundation stronger."

"I didn't know this would happen," Blair mumbled. "If I did, I would've made it the most indestructible treehouse ever."

We all watched and waited for the lycan to leave.

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