Chapter 14

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The fox had been gone for a few days and I felt like something inside me was missing, I don't know what and I don't know why.

The fox and I had exchanged a few words, but it was short and could barely be called a conversation.

He had said that he was trying to lure the hunters away from pack territory, so that the pack wouldn't be in danger because of him, but the hunters were especially good at following and tracking animals, besides catching them, of course.

Neither of us knew when he would come back, and when the hunters would acrually lose track of the fox. I mean, they could easily pretend to lose track of it then follow it back.

I'm coming to the border, I'm really tired, came the fox's soft voice. He yawned after that.

I immediately went down the stairs and towards the front border of the pack grounds. There, I saw Marshmallow running towards the border with no scent, he couldn't walk straight. Soon, he collapsed onto the grassy grounds, a blue aura surrounding his sleeping form.

I took an unsure step forward, then awkwardly took it in my arms. He was just as fluffy as before. He snuggled up in my arms as I carried him to my room.

I put him on my bed with a soft 'thump'. By how exhausted he was looking, it was obvious it took a lot of effort to lose the hunters off of his tail.

All of a sudden, I could felt myself in a living dream. Marshmallow's memory.

I felt myself slump on my bed before losing myself in his dream.

Marshmallow was running across the forest, running towards his owner's house.

He looked a lot like a baby fox, unlike what he is now. After running for what seemed like hours, he reached a small cottage. It was a small house that could only fit around 2 or 3 people in it.

A girl with caramel brown hair and hazel eyes was on the floor of her house, the door was opened. She was clutching what seemed like a portrait, a portrait of what seemed like an older her but the girl had some white hair due to aging and had dark brown eyes instead of her hazel ones.

The girl was crying, Marshmallow ran even faster when he saw how sad she was.

The girl looked up at him and hugged him to her chest.

"Thanks Snowy, you're always the one there for me," the girl said as she patted his head.

The memory flashed.

The same girl was in a black dress, she was attending her mother's funeral. Snowy comforted her, holding her close to him

Suddenly, hunters appeared out of the trees, destroying her mother's coffin, smashing everything in sight.

"Give us the fox, or you'll face the consequences," one of them stated, no hint of emotion in his eyes.

Snowy stiffened and tensed behind the girl.

"No," the girl said confidently.

One of the hunters smirked. "Well then you have us to deal with."

"And you'll have me to deal with."

After she had said those words, a huge wave of water from the nearby lake crashed on the hunters, some drowning while the others tried to move against the powerful flow of the water, when the girl noticed their struggling, she put more force in the current of the water.

After using a huge amount of energy, the girl fainted in Snowy's arms.

The memory flashed, revealing another.

The girl wasn't the same. Her eyes were dull, keeping any emotion out of sight. She was walking towards a dark cave, Snowy silently following her inside.

I noticed her cheeks were dry of tears. She was just crying inside the cave until she seemed to be talking to someone, but Snowy didn't seem to hear anything. He just stared at her as if she had lost her mind, she looked like she was talking to herself.

The cave suddenly darkened, Snowy leaped back in surprise. The girl's hair started turning greyish, then black, the darkest of black. Her eyes started fogging, once gone, her eyes were midnight blue. Snowy's eyes widened, staring at his owner's new looks.

I could only see from Snowy's point of view, it was a sideway angle so I couldn't see much of her new appearance.

"Snowy?" The girl's voice asked. "Are you there?"

Snowy took an unsure step towards the girl, not knowing whether or not to be cautious.

"Snowy!" The girl squealed as she took him in her arms. "I can protect you now, and the people I love too! I have a lot more power than before, everyone will learn not to mess with me! And this way no one would mess with you too! Those pathetic hunters would finally leave you alone."

Snowy snuggled towards her grip.

The memory flashed.

The girl was in the middle of eleven other witches, all of which had furious looks. They were all centering their anger at the girl.

The eldest of the witches stepped forward.

I couldn't make the words said by the witches, but they seemed to be discussing things to each other, and the girl was, like the other witches, furious. But she was furious at the witches around her.

"You can't just banish me from the coven!" I heard the girl scream.

Snowy was watching everything from a distance, behind a tree, hiding from the arguing witches.

The girl was helplessly talking back, but the eldest witch gave her a dominating glare, one that was emitting power.

Snowy whimpered at the sight. He couldn't even help his own owner from a few witches in her coven. Well it was all the witches in her coven going against her, but I could still feel Snowy's feelings on the situation. He was blaming himself

Snowy moved to another tree, giving me a better view and hearing.

"Hecate Vera, you are now banished from this coven," the eldest witch said.

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