Chapter 3

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"Still!" Carter said stubbornly.

"What he said made sense, stop being dramatic," Caine said, scowling in Carter's direction. Carter returned his scowl and just left the place. Caine, too, left after exchanging a few words with the Prince, obviously ignoring my presence.

The Prince walked over to where we were talking. "Ellie, teleport back before more people notice our presence."

"A few minutes, please?" Ellie asked.

"No. It's dangerous out here, especially you only have unlocked some of your powers," he said firmly. "If I didn't have the responsibility of keeping my subjects safe, you would have been killed a million times already."

"Fine," she huffed. With a flick of her finger, a small light of blue and splashes of water consumed her body, teleporting her away from the place. The Prince looked at me and curtly nodded, then he vanished in a silver-blue light.

I noticed a small pad of lily pads that Ellie had somehow summoned. This was so cool, I wish I had their powers.

I walked back to the pack house. It was now early afternoon, everyone was in the dining hall, eating and chatting as usual. I went to the corner where we grab our tray, grab plates and put food on it, then pick a drink. I sat on my usual spot, Trix was there, which was rare as she had a lot of work to do. She perked up when she saw me.

"Tomorrow's a big day!"

"Huh?" I asked. I'm always left out, as usual.

Trix rolled her eyes when she saw my reaction, it just proved that I wasn't updated, as usual. "Packs gather in the Pond of Dreams, its made for finding our mates, but if you already have a mate, both of you could just spend the night together, and yes, it's held at night."

"Okay, well, good luck," I said because I knew this day would be like any other day to me.

She cleared her throat. "I informed you about this not because of me, but because of you. I already have a mate and this will be like, the 31st time we will attend it so-"

"How old are you?"

"57 actually."

"You're 57?! You look like you're in your 20s," I exclaimed.

"Werewolves can choose when we start aging by looks and we can also choose when we die, except if you get killed or something like that," she explained. "Oh and don't even think of bailing out of it, it's required."

"Not really," Brody interrupted, randomly going into our conversation. "You can also n-," he started but was interrupted when Trix muffled his words with her hand. "What he means is that you can either go or, um, face the wrath of the Alphas!" Her voice went a little high-pitched when she said the word 'Alphas', it almost sounded like a question.

She doesn't sound too sure...

"Uhh yeah! It's required," Brody said, supporting Trixie's statement.

"Well, um, okay I guess," I replied. But I still knew it would just be a normal night for me, or maybe I could make some friends but Caine? Nope, he'll just ignore me as usual.


I was just staring at the ceiling in my room. I had just finished dinner, I was one of the first to finish because, well, you know wolves, their appetites are very big. And yes, I was bored.

I heard footsteps near my door, then my door burst open. Charlotte and Liana walked into my room, Liana looked and Charlotte, then they both looked at each other. "Aren't you going to close the door?" They both said at the same time. They both glared at each other. Charlotte ended up kicking the door close with a loud 'thud'.

"Umm, what do you guys need?"

"It's not us who needs something, it's you obviously!" Charlotte giggled.

"What do I need from you guys?" I asked.

"Dresses, heels, and a new makeover for tomorrow, of course!" They both squealed at the same time.

Oh, right. I haven't been in heels for my whole life because we didn't need them. We never really had events to go to in the human community, since we were in hiding. But, of course, it's different now since I'm a werewolf. Well, in transitioning phase. I'd be a full werewolf with half-blood after two more months.

"Eh, yeah about that, I don't think-"

"Yes it is! We'll come by at your room with dresses and other accesories for you to wear!" They both squealed as if it was the most exciting thing ever. After that, they both left the room, leaving me to think about what tomorrow night would be.

If I wasn't going to lie, I actually had grown a little bit attached to Caine when I was working as his servant, but when did that ever even matter? When I'd be a fully transitioned wolf, I'd be attracted to my mate's 'heavenly' scent and other things I've heard from other wolves which I think is exaggerated. Tingles and electric sparks wherever your skin makes contact with your mate's, I think I felt that even when I was human.

I stared at the open window just beside me, it allowed the night breeze fill the room, making me shiver. Tonight was a full moon, meaning that the others will lock themselves up until the sun shows in the sky, otherwise they would lose control of their blood lust. Only three werewolves knew how to control their blood lust at this time. Caine, Carter, and Caleb. The three brothers and the still transitioning wolves will be sleeping normally tonight, the rest would be shackled in the basement to prevent them from attacking each other. I personally think that the full moon is such a hassle, needing all that trouble and all. It was why every month, they had a day in the Pond of Dreams right after the full moon, so that the wolves would have something to be excited for.

A night to have a chance to find their mates or spend the night with their mates.

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