Chapter 2: Unexpected Visitor

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Outside the castle of Camelot, small farms and villages dot the landscape. Even with the recent attack by the Commandment of Truth, Galand, the area still seems to radiate a sense of peace and calm. In the middle of this quaint countryside is a small one-story cabin. Its exterior stands out from the other buildings as it seemed to have a different design to the other houses and huts, making it stand out. But at the front of the house is a small garden, more for decoration than crop growing. All in all, while the cabin may look strange to most, it is rather welcoming to guests.

Out from the front door walks Hawk, holding a small cup of tea. Taking a seat in one of the wooden rocking chairs on the front porch, he sips from his tea, watching the sunrise.

Hawk had spent most of his life in the center of attention. Always fighting, killing, and worrying about the safety of those he cared for. He barely ever had little time to relax and enjoy the quiet moments. But this was one of those moments. Taking a sip of tea, he closes his eyes and lets the quiet sink in.

???: "Yo!" A voice says in a chipper tone.

Hawk shoots his eyes open as annoyance engulfs him. Looking down, he's surprised to see the small knight who took on Galand the day before. Last Hawk checked; Galand's spear impaled this particular knight. But Hawk's suspicion was ended when he remembered this world was filled with magic and magic users.

 But Hawk's suspicion was ended when he remembered this world was filled with magic and magic users

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Hawk: "...Can I help you?"

Meliodas: "Yep. My name's Meliodas, and I'm looking for a particular person. Maybe you've seen them?" Still not approaching the porch.

Hawk: "Well then...what do they look like?"

Meliodas: "White hair, around your height, a master swordsman from what I've been told."

Hawk: "Well damn, mister Meliodas. That could be a lot of people. This "master swordsman" got a name?"

Meliodas: "Yep, he goes by Hawk Branwen." Hawk groans as Meliodas hadn't lost his cheeky grin...hed been caught.

Hawk: "So then, Meliodas, what can I do for you since you've been searching for me?" Setting his cup of tea down, he stands up and summons his sheathed sword to his left hand. "Is it a fight you want? Cause that'd be a pretty rude way to thank me for saving your life."

Meliodas: "Nope. I just wanted to ask for your help."

Hawk: "Let me guess. With the Ten Commandments?"

Meliodas: "Right on the dot. So?"

Hawk: "While I appreciate the offer, from a swordsman's point of view, I can't help. I chose to live a peaceful life, and I've fought too hard to throw it all away to go face demons that won't even give me a challenge."

Meliodas: "No truer words have ever been spoken. But these guys aren't to be joked around with. They could turn the tide of the original Holy War. If it weren't for them being put in the Coffin of Eternal Darkness, there wouldn't be a world to live in."

Hawk: "Really?...Fine, but you'll most likely have to convince my other half to help as well."

Meliodas: "What, you got a sibling or something?"

Hawk: "Hah! No, no. Nothing like that. My fiancèe. She's my better half. I go where she wants me to go."

Meliodas: "You're married?! But your so young!"

Hawk: "First off, don't start talking about young when you look like a toddler. And two, thank you for the compliment. But yes, I am married, not official as we've been traveling for a perfect place to have the wedding. But that's none of your business. Come back tomorrow, and you'll have your answer."

Meliodas: "Whelp. Guess I'll see you tomorrow. Same time?" Hawk rolls his eyes as Meliodas walks back down the road he walked up on.

???: "You know you didn't have to send him off like that."

Hawk turns around to see a young girl around his age standing at the foot of the front door. Her unkempt red hair shines perfectly off of the sun's light. Her emerald eyes seem to calm Hawk and put him in the state of ease he was in before Meliodas arrived. In her hands, she holds two cups of hot coffee, walks up and places them on the porch railing, and sits in the chair next to him.

 In her hands, she holds two cups of hot coffee, walks up and places them on the porch railing, and sits in the chair next to him

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Hawk: "Sorry if I woke you, Pyrrha. I just wanted you to get your full rest after you completed your training only yesterday."*

Pyrrha: "It's okay. No need to apologize...You should take him up on his request, though."

Hawk: "I know, but do you? You know how long we've been fighting for this peace. For OUR peace. If we do this, we'll be starting from square one all over again." Pyrrha reaches over and gently rests her hand over his.

Pyrrha: "Hawk... it's just like what my master taught me during my training. Those with strength have a duty to protect those without strength. If these Ten Commandments are as bad as he says, we have a duty to help. You know that just as much as I do."

Hawk: "...Ok. If you want to help, then I'm with you. All the way."

Meliodas: "Great!!" Both Pyrrha and Hawk jump out of their seats to see that Meliodas is sitting on their roof.

Hawk: "I thought I told you to leave!!"

Meliodas: "You did...but I wanted to stick around see what your lady friend had to say. By the way, it's very nice to meet miss Pyrrha." He says as he hops down.

Pyrrha: "Uhh... it's a pleasure as well."

Meliodas: "Whelp. Since you'll both be joining, meet me at the Boar Hat tavern tomorrow. I can't miss it. It looks like a giant hat."

Hawk: "Fine, but can you leave now?!"

Meliodas: "Sure, see you two tomorrow. Oh, and miss Pyrrha, that master of yours sounds like a really good person. I hope he trained you well. Bye." He waves as he walks down the road back towards Camelot. Hawk making sure Meliodas actually leaves.

Pyrrha: "He's a very strange person."

*If you wish to know how Pyrrha is a part of this story read, Child of Omens: Part 3*

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