Chapter 15: Another Child of Fate

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Inside the castle of Camelot's throne room, Meliodas is speaking with Cusack, Chandler, and Zeldris. While Hawk meditates in the side of the room. He hadn't meditated in quite a while since he became a Commandment. But now, he thought it a good time as many different events were unfolding. Meliodas planned to become the demon king, and he enlisted his brothers to help do so. He needed to do this by collecting the other Commandments. Apparently, they were once pieces of the demon king's power he separated to strengthen those he saw as worthy. Hawk knew that eventually, they would need his Commandment. But Hawk didn't want to give his Commandment up. He had grown accustomed to it. He saw it as a way to live a peaceful existence. It stifled his need for human blood while making him slightly stronger. There was also the surge of magical power some distance away. From what Meliodas spoke of, the Four Archangels had been resurrected. The Four Archangels are the goddess clan's version of the Ten Commandments. But Hawk wasn't fazed by their reputation. They often couldn't hold a candle to his power. There also was something much more insignificant in power close by, overlooked by the others but not by Hawk. Arthur.

Deeper Within Camelot

Arthur runs through the depths of his once great castle, now under the rule of demons. Arthur was looking for something, something he was foretold would help free his kingdom. On his back, the sheathed Stormchaser, the high-frequency sword had gifted Arthur before he became a member of the demon clan. On his waist was a small pouch holding a small round creature. Arthur had taken to calling it Cath. Cath was a strange creature; Arthur had come across the beast when he continued training in the Druid's holy land. Cath could speak and chose to stay by Arthur ever since they met, being relatively loyal and Arthur repaid said loyalty with food. But it never seemed to satisfy the small creature. Arthur continued down the stone hallway. He needed to find what he was looking for, and he was running out of time.

Zeldris: "Who are you? How did you break in?"

Arthur froze as he turned around to see Zeldris standing down the hallway, making his way toward Arthur. The overwhelming pressure Zeldris exuded triggered Arthur's fight or flight senses. Arthur tried to back away but bumped into another demon.

Cusack: "Lord Zeldris asked you a question?"

Arthur: "I-...I'm the king of Camelot, Arthur Pendragon."

Zeldris: "Oh. So it's you. What brings you back here? Wait. You're not here for that strange sword, are you?"

Cath: "Make a run for it, Arthur! Hurry!"

Cath leaps from his pouch and proceeds to use a form of telekinesis to throw pieces of discarded armor and bricks from the hallway at Zeldris and Cusack, buying Arthur the time he needed. Entering into a small chamber, he's relieved to see that the room and the artifact he was searching for had been untouched. The artifact in question was, in fact, a blade. A longsword embedded into the stone floor, the hilt was an ornate gold with carvings engraved into the handle, and the edge shined a brilliant silver color. Merlin had told Arthur that this blade was used by the last heroes of the human race, and the sword had earned the name Excalibur, The Holy Sword. As Arthur attempts to make his way to the Holy Sword, the wall behind him was blown out. Walking through the hole, Zeldris and Cusack with barely any form of damage upon them. In Cusack's hand, a beaten and battered Cath. Walking in behind them was Meliodas. The sight of a demon Meliodas angered Arthur; first, it was Hawk and now Meliodas.

Meliodas: "This isn't your castle anymore, Arthur. Get the hell out of my sight."

Arthur: "Why Meliodas? Why betray everything you fought for? We believed in you."

Meliodas: "I'm not the same Meliodas you knew. Not anymore."

Arthur: "Then-...Then I'll never forgive you, and I'll make you pay!" Arthur hours as he pulls Excalibur from the stone floor.

Arthur could feel the surge of power flow through him. He felt a new sensation flow through him, new confidence as this occurred. Hawk watched from a distance. Too far to be noticed but close enough to see what was happening, and he was filled with a sense of pride. He may not have trained Arthur, but he gave Arthur the knowledge to be a better swordsman, and it finally looks like he found his chosen sword. He watched as he faced down Meliodas, Zeldris, Cusack, and now even Chandler with a confidence that he'd never seen before. But Hawk knew when an enemy was holding back, and he could tell the battle was over the moment Arthur pulled forth Excalibur.

Arthur was now standing against Cusack. Arthur's battle with the demons had caused a considerable amount of damage to the chamber as they now fight outside. But as Arthur thought he could stand a chance, the toll for using the blade was taking its effect. Bruises appeared across his body as Arthur hadn't adequately trained to use Excalibur. Dropping down to his knees from the pain, Cusack walks to stand over Arthur.

Cusack: "It looks like the stress from that sword you wield has finally taken its toll on you, poor boy. A true shame, but you aren't powerful enough. But that was your mistake for facing Lord Zeldris and me in combat." He tries to grab Arthur but stops as his hand is caught.

Hawk: "And your mistake was thinking you could lay your hand on my student."

Arthur looked up to see Hawk and was confused. He had heard how Hawk joined the Ten Commandments, but why was he defending him. But he had no time to speak as Hawk picked up Arthur with his free hand. Supporting him so he could stand.

Meliodas: "Hawk? What are you doing?"

Hawk: "What I want. Last I checked, no one hear can do anything about it. Are you alright, Arthur?"

Arthur: "Why? Why are you doing this?"

Hawk: "Because if I can do anything as a teacher to you. It's sticking my neck out for you without hesitation."

Cusack: "What is the meaning of this?! Let me go, you bastard!!"

Hawk: "You keep your mouth shut, or I'm going to make you a one-hearted bastard. Got it?" Cusack doesn't say another word.

Zeldris: "Hawk. If you keep down this path, you know what that means."

Hawk: "Oh, I do. And you can't get to her no matter how hard you try. Now, here's what's going to happen. As long as Arthur is here, he is under my protection. Any move against him is a move against me, and I'm certain you don't want a repeat of my demonstration from earlier."

There was a long silence; Hawk was in a good position. As long as he stayed here, they had one of the Commandments and a strong defender when the Seven Deadly Sins arrived with the Four Archangels.

Zeldris: "Fine. He can stay and stay alive. But I warn you, Pendragon, attempt to leave, and we slaughter your so-called beloved kingdom." All Arthur could do was nod before passing out from the pain.

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