Chapter 14: Prince of Demons

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It had been a couple of hours since Chandler had left to fetch Meliodas. Enough time had passed that it had turned to night. Presently, Hawk is performing his sword dance in the throne room while Zeldris sits upon Camelot's throne, with Cusack, his bodyguard. Zeldris was slightly interested in Hawk's sword dance. Hawk had explained that a sword dance was traditionally used before battle to boost morale, but now it had become a technique to steel one's nerves and calm their mind. Cusack, however, had no care for it and saw it more as just silly movements.

Cusack: "Lord Zeldris, I don't see why you let this fool perform this silly little dance. It provides no form of support at all."

Zeldris: "If it wasn't entirely clear, Cusack, Hawk is not like the rest of the demon clan. He was raised to be human and grew up in an entirely different culture. A culture where they value the blades they wield just as much as the power they possessed."

Cusack: "Preposterous! Lord Zeldris, I taught you better than to believe that one's power comes from their blade. It doesn't matter if it's a stick or a blade of legend; power comes from oneself."

Hawk: "Wind blows, rain falls, and the strong prey upon the weak...and you Cusack sound precisely like the weak." Sheathing Jetstream as he finishes his sword dance.

As Cusack was headed to make Hawk regret his words, the doors to the throne room are kicked open as Meliodas and Elizabeth and Chandler walk in. Hawk was slightly surprised to see Meliodas in a different state than before. He radiated a much more murderous aura and had made makeshift clothing using his demonic shadow.

Meliodas: "Hey Zeldris...Hawk."

Hawk: "You're looking well. Good to see you as well, Elizabeth."

Zeldris: "If it isn't the traitor marching right into enemy territory. How bold."

Hawk: "More like careless, especially bringing Elizabeth along. Just because the other Commandments aren't here doesn't mean the two of us can't put you in the ground again."

Estarossa: "Make that three." They turn to see a fully healed Estarossa stroll into the room.

The three brothers would go on into a small argument. All it was boiling down to is, Meliodas wanting to become the next Demon King, facing opposition from Zeldris, Estarossa wishing to join in because he hates being left out. Hawk found the argument between them boring. It reminded him of the times when two of his Four Swords, Qrow and Ren. The two would get into minor disputes about how to approach certain situations; Hawk always had to play mediator, and it seems he'll have to do it once more.

The argument had now taken a more violent turn as Zeldris and Estarossa had moved to attack Meliodas. But as Meliodas goes to use a magical ability, he finds Hawk's clawed demonic fist punching his gut. Zeldris collapses to the ground as Hawk's tail had tightly wrapped around his throat. Estarossa also fell to the ground as red lightning arcs through his body, putting him in incredible pain. As Meliodas went to one knee from the sudden gut-punch, Hawk plants his face into the ground with his foot. At this moment, Hawk had cemented his superiority over the three princes.

Elizabeth: "Meliodas!"

Cusack: "Lord Zeldris!"

Chandler: "Prince Meliodas!! Why you little-"

Hawk: "SILENCE!!" His voice sent cracks in the ground around them. "You three are at least 3,000 years old, yet you act like toddlers. So now, I will have to deal with you like toddlers. Either you three come up with a solution without violence, or you can see what happens when I want to get serious. Got it?!"

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