Chapter 13: Aftermath

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Several weeks have passed since the Ten Commandments had killed Meliodas. Zeldris led the others to take the Kingdom of Liones, except for him, Gloxinia, and Drole. Gloxinia and Drole had disappeared after Meliodas's death. But Hawk went to assist Pyrrha with finding a way to change him back to a human.

The two made slow progress as any information on demons were around 3,000 years old and somewhat unreliable. During the weeks of their investigation, Hawk had taught Pyrrha how to use the Yamato and its portal capabilities properly. Hopefully, she would be able to find a solution using the Yamato's portals, while Hawk played his part as a Commandment.

Upon meeting with the now three Commandments, Zeldris, Melascula, and Estarossa, who was severely injured. Hawk was scolded for not being at the battle. Apparently, Meliodas had somehow survived and had defeated Monspeet and Derieri but not killed them as their Commandments were still active. Their plan now was to take the kingdom to the south, Camelot. Hawk internally didn't want to harm the people of the Kingdom, but he knew if he chose to oppose them, they'd find and kill Pyrrha. So they made their way towards Camelot.

The battle for Camelot, however, wasn't as brutal and hard-fought as Liones. Zeldris chose not to underestimate the knights of Camelot and took the kingdom with full force. There were many casualties, but while Zeldris and Melascula were on the offensive, Hawk chose to help the injured people. By the time the kingdom was taken and the battle over, Hawk had helped around 3/4th of the kingdom's people flee.

Currently, Hawk is performing his sword dance inside the vat rooms Zeldris had installed in the castle. He had been assigned to watch over Estarossa as he was healing inside a small green pool of liquid. From what Zeldris had explained, Estarossa fought against Escanor. The same man who best Galand and Melascula, single handily. This only furthered Hawk's interest in facing Escanor. But then he hears a voice within his head.

Zeldris(mental): "Attention, all Ten Commandments! I command you to prioritize this order over your current task and gather in Camelot immediately!!"

Hawk: "Whelp. It looks like I'll represent the both of us, Estarossa."

Hawk leaves the room and heads towards where Zeldris broadcasted his message. Arriving outside on a small balcony, he was surprised to see Melascula wasn't there, as well as Monspeet and Derieri, not even Gloxinia and Drole. But there were two others who Hawk didn't recognize. One was a tall man with pink hair and a long mustache. He wore a white vest and had a set of swords on his waist. He seemed to be kneeling in front of Zeldris. The other man was older and had very unkempt blonde hair that connected with the very large beard on his face.

 The other man was older and had very unkempt blonde hair that connected with the very large beard on his face

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Hawk: "More recruits, Zeldris? Where are the others?"

Zeldris: "Ah, Hawk. It seems that the other Commandments are refusing to answer my summons. Drole and Gloxinia have betrayed us, Galand, Melascula, and Fraudrin have been defeated, and Monspeet and Derieri have gone silent. Chandler, Cusack, this is Hawk, our new Commandment of Pacifism. As well as the only other Commandment able to fight at the moment."

Chandler: "A pleasure to meet you, good sir. I am the Pacifier Demon, Chandler. I was the teacher for my dear prince Meliodas."

Cusack: "As well as I, Cusack the Reaper Demon. I was the one who taught prince Zeldris all that he knows of combat."

Hawk: "A real pleasure to meet the both of you. I assume you must feel guilty for Meliodas betraying the demon clan, Chandler?"

Cusack: "Alas, it was a great loss for our people when that harlot tempted our dear future demon king."

Chandler: "How dare you lie upon our dear prince! I know you secretly celebrated his betrayal as your dearest Zeldris would have no competition for the throne!"

The two continued to argue about if Meliodas truly betrayed the demon clan. All the while, Hawk stood slightly confused next to Zeldris.

Hawk: "You and Meliodas, we're trained by these two?"

Zeldris: "Unfortunately, yes. They can be...unique at times, but they have a great deal of power."

Hawk: "Well, be glad you have your master, Zeldris. I don't have my master anymore. She was lost to me in my moment of weakness."

Zeldris: "And who was your master?"

Hawk: "My mother. She trained me since I was eight years old. But she was killed, taken from me. On that day, I learned a vital lesson. Might controls everything, and without strength, you can't protect anything. Let alone yourself."

Zeldris: "She sounds like someone that could really fight."

Hawk: "For a human, she was unmatched."

This seemed to cause Zeldris to go into a state of contemplation. He always assumed Hawk was always a demon, but to hear that he was a human, it seemed to look at Hawk differently now. Hawk had willingly chosen to become a demon and lived this long as one.

Hawk: "So? What's with all the commotion about?"

Zeldris: "The demon king, my father, has ordered for us to retrieve Meliodas."

Hawk: "Meliodas?"

Chandler: "Is.. Is it true?"

Zeldris: "Apparently so."

Cusack: "I know he's his son, but isn't that a bit too lenient to not have him executed. No...perhaps that's the purpose of the retrieval."

Zeldris: "Who knows? My father's thinking is beyond me." Hawk turns to see Chandler mumbling something about Meliodas with a face of pure bliss. Hawk could tell Chandler idolized Meliodas.

Cusack: "So where is Meliodas now?"

Hawk: "He's making his way here with the Seven Deadly Sins."

Cusack: "Well then I suppose we can have some tea while waiting for them?" But the conversation is interrupted as Chandler flies upwards in an ecstatic haze.

Hawk: "Does he always get like this about Meliodas?"

Zeldris: "*sigh* Yes, but he is by far the best person to handle this situation."

Cusack: "Still? Why would the demon king want Meliodas? Even if I'm not being partial, no one else could possibly become the next Demon King but you."

Zeldris: "Obviously!" But Hawk and Zeldris hear a voice in their heads they recognize.

Estarossa(mental): "Hey. That hurt my feelings. What fun things are you planning to do without me, little brother?"

Zeldris(mental): "Estarossa! You've regained consciousness?"

Hawk(mental): "Looks like your back in the game."

Estarossa(mental): "I only woke up now. Anyway, Meliodas is still alive? Even though I tried to save him from his suffering. Our old man has done some cruel stuff."

Zeldris(mental): "Brother, please rest until your completely healed."

Estarossa(mental): "Yeah, I'll do that. Thanks, by the way, Hawk, for babysitting."

Hawk(mental): "Don't mention it. Seriously, don't."

Zeldris: "Well, then it looks like we'll have that tea while we wait for Chandler."

Hawk: "I know a pretty good tea recipe. Learned it from my mother. Should still hold up if Arthur kept his ingredient cabinet stocked." The three head back into the castle, Hawk hearing Cusack declare that he'd protect Zeldris with his life.

Zeldris: "...Thank you, Cusack. But don't throw your life away for me. You do hold some importance to me." Cusack became overjoyed upon hearing Zeldris.

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