Chapter 23:cant die yet!

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Qin Bu although scared but didnt slow down at all,so when a zombie reach out to him he suddenly let go of the steering wheel so the car become out of control.

Lu Bin cut the zombie on the driver side the car is already about to hit a tree but Lu Bin's reflex was good so he control it before it was crash in a tree!

But the consenquence was that the other zombies near them catched up with them!

Qin Bu tried to drive the car back to the road but it was hard so Lu Bin pull them out of the car and start running!

But there was zombies ahead

"We have to take them all down!we cant let them sorround us!"

Liang Xuiying felt that the air she breath is getting thinner!

The panick is attacking again!Lu Bin pull them and start hitting the zombies!

She step back and really wanted to run!her tears are starting to fall again,but her body is not moving again!

Lu Bin saw her frozen and stabbed the head of the zombie who was about to touch her

"This is not time to panick!brat wake up!fight!we have to fight!"

Liang Xuiying woke up and she felt that a switch was turn and her body start moving base on her instinct!

"Master try to burn them!"

Lu Bin pause and finally remember something!he concentrate and start creating a huge fire,

He start in his hand and through out his body,Qin Bu eyes widen.

Lu Bin materialized the fire and make it a huge fireball!

He felt that his strength is leaving him so he pushed the fireball in front burning the zombies before he fell down!

Liang Xuiying catch him and hand him over to Qin Bu

"Take him and help him with this!"

She said and hand him over a huge towel!

She already saw that Lu Bin's clothes will burn so she take it from the car.

Because almost all of the zombies nearby caught in a fire so it was easier for them!

Qin Bu carry Lu Bin at his back and run  as fast as he can!

Liang Xuiyin is running last,it was to shield the two while they are all escaping but she suddenly stop noticing that something is off!

She look back and was surprised that the zombies are all gone!

She look around and found them inside the forest!

She was horrified when she noticed that they can seems to walk faster under the shaded place!?

"Brother Qin please run faster!just run and dont look back!whatever happen dont look back!"

She inhale deeply and look at the zombies around them,she is afraid!really scared but she remember the feeling of dying again so she puffed her chest and get ready to fight!

Liang Shui already meet the rescue team!Chen Mengmeng didnt let go of Liang Shui from the beggining and so Liang Shui!

Even she saw a familiar figure she didnt let go of Liang Shui

Tao Liling eyes shone when she saw Chen Mengmeng so without a care she pluck her out of Liang Shui's protectio.

Liang Shui fell down and look at the strange woman who took Mengmeng away

"You bad woman!let go of Mengmeng!let go!"

And started attacking Tao Liling

"Where did this filthy brat came from!"

She said in disgust and pushed him away resulting to fall again!

Chen Mengmeng finally recover and struggle in Tao Liling's hand

"Wwwwwaaahhhh!you evil person!let go of me!huhuhuu!bad woman!let go!let go!"

Tao Liling's mask almost collapse but still smile rigidly

"Mengmeng its aunt Liling!remember!"

"Wwwwaaaaaahhhh!ugly woman!vad woman!hurt my brother Shui!waahhh!let go!let go!"

And bit Tao Liling's hand,she was surprised and accidentally throw Mengmeng away.

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