Chapter 74:

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The antidote was ready after 3 days!

Before the antidote came out a video message was given to Chen Zhangwei to watch,

They said that Liang Xuiying gave it to him so he has to watch it now!

Chen Zhangwei frown but still watched it,

The video was in a room,it was obviously inside the laboratory,and Liang Xuiying sat in the bed in front of the camera and smile brightly,her usual bright smile

"Chen Zhangwei!if you are watching this!meaning we have to celebrate!the antidote is made!i want to personally congratulate you but i cant!"

She look down and breath deeply then look back at the camera

"Remember my story about Liang Xuiying?it was all true but it was not complete!the last part was actually!Liang Shui's healing ability alone is not the real antidote!if we really want to save those zombies and let them become normal again,we need a regenerate ability!but the virus in their body is strong and much faster so fast regeneration is needed!and that what Chang Chyou invented!"

She pause and sigh

"That is why i ate her!remember Liang Xuiying told you about the start,the end and the new beginning?the Chang siblings was the beginning!they are the virus starter!the end?its me because only me can kill them and only me can have the antidote and the new beginning is Liang Shui can complete the anti dote!"

She look down and when she talk again her voice begin to be shaky

"Chen Zhangwei dont be mad okay?its my own personal wish!i choose this!i know i become selfish to you but i will still choose the world!so"

She look up and her tears are already pouring down

"To complete the antidote my blood and heart was needed!dont think that there should another be another way because there is none!only my body can process the medicine in Chang Chyou's body so only me can have those!i really love you a lot!but please forgive me okay?and my body wont last long on this world!i have ony 10 years!just like the items i brought!after 10 years it will expire so i want to make myself more usefull!"

She bit her lips to stop herself from choking up

"And besides i will remain zombie!no antidote can cure me!if we really want a new beginning my existence is unneeded!when we are totally gone only you can all start anew!this world doesnt need me anymore so i would rather use my body as the biggest use i can ever be!"

Liang Xuiying really start crying

"Chen Zhangwei,its you!it was you who made me strong!you made me brave and you teach me how to love you deeply!thank you!you complete me!"

After that the whole room is drop dead silent!

Chen Zhangwei look at the scientist and ask in a calm tone

"Is this true?"

The scientist nodded

"She said that it is the only way to redeem our sins!by saving the world that we messed up!it was us to blame from the beginning!"

But before he could finish he was punch hard,

Lu Bin stop him with tears all over his face,

"Chen Zhangwei!my disciple face this bravely!you should learn from her!i know its hard but!you cant be selfish!you are a soldier so you know that sacrifice is inevitable!dont throw her sacrifice away!"

"I dont need it!i dont give a damn if this world collapse!i wont even blink if the universe was ruin as long as she is here!"

He roared angryly

"That is why she kept it from you!"

After a while a bunch of people wearing a white lab gown came out pushing a hospital cot.

"She told us to burn her body but that is her only wish we cannot fulfill!"

Chen Zhangwei push everyone and kneel at the hospital cot and open it with shaking hand.

His cry echoed through out the place when Liang Xuiying's lifeless body was shown.

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