Chapter 44:

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"So the police investigate until they found out that for the last 2 years a lot of people is missing!the government heard it and thought that it was big syndicates who are the master mind but found out that it was that laboratory!"

The Jias turning paler and paler but Liang Xuiying is not done yet

"Because it was under government so the said that it was human traficking syndicates"

She smile more and continue

"And you know what is scary?when the police close the laboratory they saw different kinds of unknown creatures!a women who is pregnant with pig,dogs,snakes and cow!and there is a animals who has human fetus in their tummy!and then going deeper in an unknown substance there was this scary monsters!snake body with human head,human body with dog head,human head,pig body and cat paws in one!amazing isnt?so you want to ask those mad people for help?i really envy your bravery!"

The whole room is pin drop silent and she add in a whisper hush voice

"They have 2 sucessfull experiment!what do you think it looks like?"

The Jia father and daughter is sweating really hard and Liang Xuiying likes the looks on them very much

"It was supposed to be a secret right?the government didnt allow anyone to talk about this!"

Chen Zhangwei asked.

Liang Xuiying roll her eyes

"How is it a secret?everyone in our school knows this story!"

And she turn to the father and daughter

"So when we will take them and bring in your base?i am excited!"

She asked while squeeling!

The room was dead silent and Liang Xuiying stand up and said before leaving

"Tell me when!i will be delighted to come with you!".

The become silent again,each of them has different worry,

Chen Zhangwei look thoughtfully at the door where Liang Xuiying leave while asking himself

'Is it only me?or there is really something different?'

After thinking s little while he divert his attention and ask the people from north

"As you heard what Xuiying said!everything is real!so i suggest you better think more!if you decided tell me and i will send troops to escort you!"

And then he pushed them out.

The father and daughter didnt know that it was like that!

The truth is there were really no clue on how the humans and zombies evolve!it is all lies!

They just want to get close to the young and powerful central base boss and want to use his power to get those genius scientist as she saw in her prophecy!

She knows that it was accurate!they proved it for how many times!she really saw that the one who will discover everything will be from that laboratory!

But they didnt know that,that place is evil!but if its for humanity then why not right?

Liang Xuiying go home and sleep!

She felt really slugish under the sun!she really hate the heat!and miss her brother!but its only month since he left again!

She will still have to wait for another month!

She felt really irritated!.

The people from the north decided to gamble!after all it is for the future development of humanity!

Chen Zhangwei just nod his head and said that he will send some soldiers with them.

Liang Xuiying surprisingly didnt want to make trouble!

She didnt volunteer herself to come with the group!

Chen Zhangwei ask her why and her answer is precise!

"They will be leaving after 3 days!and they will travel for 2 weeks just to go there!the travel will take a month!i can only see my brother once in every 2 months!so tell me!who will i choose?"

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